Timber Engineering Calculator User Reviews

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Be careful on reading: "Also Included In"

Be careful on the catchy phrase; Also Included "In", as it no where near stands for Also Included. The app has pages two and three of the three pages of nothing other than advertisements for purchasing Construction Calculators Pack. The original ad on iTunes App page states; Also Included (with In thrown in) allowing others to make a quick purchase of the product without reading it through understanding that the "In" stands for; if you bought the $17.99 Construction Calculator Pack it will be within that pack, "not a deal if you bought Timber Engineering Calculator you'd get the "Also Included" along with one's purchase". So many other Apps out there give use purchasers a "Bundle" in which this individual chose to advertise this purchase as a bundle with an additional two letter word "In" no where near the meaning of bundle as other Apps do, be careful. I as a fool once again, with just the need of two other Apps within the Construction Calculators Pack purchased this Timber Engineering Calculator believing i were to recieve the other two Apps as well. Sincerly believed this was a promotional advertisement as a bundle. Lesson learnt once again within the App Store.
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