User Reviews: Find My Flush

Top reviews

  • Wowww flush

    Amazing. Love it. Tysm arash πŸ”₯
  • Terrible app

    It literally shows restrooms from downtown to midtown Manhattan, apparently all tracked by the one guy who made the app. You have to actually know where the toilets are to search for them. Useless.
  • This App Changed My Life

    I never thought an app could be a game-changer in my life until I stumbled upon Find My Flush. It's not just an app; it's a miracle worker that has turned my life around in the most unexpected way.

    In a world where we take our daily conveniences for granted, Find My Flush has taught me the true value of something as basic as finding a bathroom when you really need it. The app is a lifesaver in every sense of the word, and here's how it transformed my life.

    One fateful day, I found myself in an unfamiliar city, desperately needing to use the restroom. Panic set in as I realized I had no idea where the nearest bathroom was. That's when Find My Flush came to the rescue. Within seconds, I had a list of nearby bathrooms at my fingertips, and I dashed to the nearest one just in time. It was like a guardian angel in my pocket.

    Before Find My Flush, I used to dread long road trips and travel in general. The constant worry about finding clean and accessible restrooms was a dark cloud over every adventure. But with this app, I can now explore the world with confidence, knowing that relief is always within reach.

    Find My Flush has turned something as mundane as finding a bathroom into a delightful treasure hunt. I've discovered hidden gems, from cozy cafes to charming parks, all thanks to this app. It has transformed my journey from a series of pit stops to a thrilling adventure.

    This app has also brought my friends and family closer. We now share funny stories about our bathroom-hunting adventures and compete to discover the quirkiest restroom locations. It has added a new layer of connection to our relationships.

    Most importantly, Find My Flush has given me peace of mind. Whether I'm at a busy mall, a remote hiking trail, or a crowded event, I know I can rely on this app to guide me to a restroom without the stress and anxiety that used to accompany such situations.

    In short, Find My Flush is not just an app; it's a lifeline. It's an app that has changed the trajectory of my entire life, allowing me to embrace every moment without the fear of sudden bathroom emergencies. I can't recommend it enough to anyone who values comfort, convenience, and a little adventure in their life. Thank you, Ash Beigian, for being the unexpected hero I never knew I needed! Five-freaking-stars!
  • This app saved me πŸ™

    How nobody else had thought of this is beyond me. Amazing app, got me out of quite a pickle the other night πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • Amazing app specially when you really need it

    Solution to one of the biggest problems in the Big Apple: Finding bathroom when you really need one.