User Reviews: Good Inside

Good Inside: Parenting
Good Inside: Parenting
Two Things Incorporated

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Surprised and delighted!

    I’ll admit I was a little skeptical when downloading this app. I’m a Dr. Becky follower and am all-in on this mission, but the app felt like a short cut or not substantive enough to be helpful. Like so much of parenting, it’s a long game that takes consistent effort and time. However, recently, my son was melting down because of an unexpected and last minute change of plans and I felt out of practice and at a loss of what to do. In the moment, I just survived. But after, I opened the app and desperately typed into the chat bot: “What can I say to my DFK son in the moment to help him deal with unexpected change of plans?” The response was validating, thoughtful, on point, and practical. It felt like I was on a live chat with Dr. Becky herself. I followed up asking for suggestions for skill building outside the moment and again, the app gave me several actionable ideas along with follow material and references. I was so pleasantly surprised and have returned for more. It is such a well implemented use of AI. The intention and thought behind this app is clear.
  • Worth it already

    I’ve watched/read Dr. Becky for some years now, but because I limited my social media time, I wasn’t getting the Good Inside POV as often, or it would pop up algorithmically and not usually match my current needs (5.5 yr old and almost-3 yr old). Anyway, when I saw how expansive the app is, I decided to just go for the annual subscription: there are so many topics, some niche and therefore valuable when they fit our needs, and I love the breadth of content. The “poster”-like pages are so easy to digest, and then there are the articles and videos to flesh out topics and dive into. Knowing that kids grow and change and are unique, I don’t think I’ll regret paying for this kind of support.
  • Phenomenal

    First let me say, I’m a Christian, home schooling mother of 4, who struggles with anxiety and overwhelm. I believe it’s critical to direct my children to Christ and God’s written word as their source of peace, wisdom, and comfort. This app is absolutely wonderful in helping me to manage my own anxiety, and giving me bite sized morsels of wisdom and direction, which I can put into immediate action - daily! - Even throughout the day! The tools stay fresh, and help to over ride my own actions propensities! I feel so empowered. It’s literally like Christmas for me and my children throughout the day! The best part??? My three oldest (because the littlest is 8 months), have given me incredible, unsolicited feedback in their words and actions. My 11 year old has gone out of her way to thank me numerous times, just for saying, “I believe you,” and, “That does feel like a tricky situation. Tell me more!” Game changer!!! I can’t thank you and your team enough. God has blessed you with an incredible gift! So thankful we found you!
  • Revolutionary for Parents

    This app is a GAME changer for busy, exhausted, and overwhelmed parents. Finally, there is an app providing support and resources for the hardest and most important job in the world! We all spend more time than we want to on our phones, so why not make it count by upskilling and educating ourselves on how to meet our kids where they are, foster an environment of connection instead of consequences, and become sturdier, more confident versions of ourselves? My oldest daughter started kindergarten this week and she had a lot of first day nerves. On our drive over, I pulled up the app in the passenger seat and searched “separation anxiety”. I was instantly reminded of the powerful phrase “Mommy and Daddy always come back”. It made my daughter feel seen and supported, and we both felt sturdier after this simple yet impactful reminder. The combination of impact + efficiency is unparalleled and I already can’t imagine my parenting journey without this app. THANK YOU to the team who brought this to life - you are changing the world, one parent at a time.
  • You need this app. Complete lifesaver.

    I have been a Gi member for about 3 months and I tell you it is a game changer for me, my husband, and of course our son. The app takes the membership to another level so intuitive, helpful, and insightful. The AI ask feature is a game changer! I have read Dr. Becky’s book, am now a member and will always be a member, and sometimes it’s hard for me to remember her advice but the AI ask in the app is so helpful in those moments when I wish I knew what to do. It’s like having Dr. Becky in your back pocket! I am still learning everyday how to be a better parent but thanks to Dr. Becky, Gi membership, and this community I am not alone in my journey.
  • This is a must-have resource for every parent!

    Good Inside membership, and now the app, have literally transformed my life and my 7 y/o son’s. As we walked into the first day of 2nd grade this morning, he repeated a helpful mantra “Hi, sad. I see you. It makes sense I’m feeling sad, and I can cope with it.” As a deeply feeling kid (DFK), this is HUGE! Rather than be upset or overwhelmed by his feelings, he can name them, allow them, and remain hopeful that he won’t always feel this way. I feel so empowered as a parent to raise a confident kid (one who feels at home with and trusts himself and his feelings)! I couldn’t be more grateful for GI! And the app makes digesting content so manageable. I’m able to log in daily, spend 5 minutes or less, and leave with helpful tools and support to grow as a sturdy leader. You can set reminders for yourself that pop up when you need them most. If you are on the fence about membership, don’t wait one more day. You need Dr Becky and her team in your back pocket!
  • The Parenting Support You Need!

    This app has bite-sized information, in an appealing deck format, with other resources to support your parenting journey. It gives personalized advice and support. It uses AI chat to give general guidance and links to relevant content. The content and community are amazing and supportive. If you can afford a membership, you should join. The app is going to evolve and change as the community members share what works and doesn’t work. And they will deliver new content based on what we need. Dr. Becky values new ideas and people power and has sound parenting support and this app brings all that together in a really great, accessible format. Highly recommend!! Thank you Dr. Becky and team!
  • Invaluable Instant Resource for Parents of Infants through the Teen Years

    Dr. Becky provides short videos, guidelines and scripts to help parents handle any challenge for any stage of parenting from potting training to staying connected to your teen. I love that I can listen to a short 3 minute video where I feel like Dr. Becky is talking directly to me addressing the very topic I am struggling with as a parent. I download the scripts to help stay grounded when dealing with challenging behavior from my teens as well as guidelines for common questions around setting limits for screen time, allowance, dealing with your teen’s changing social lives etc…Above all else, Dr. Becky helps normalize the challenges our kids and we face as parents centering us all in the belief that we are Good Inside!
  • Better than I could have imagined 🤯😍

    This app is fantastic. It feels like listening to a podcast or watching a workshop - well structured and truly a pleasure to use and learn from.

    This app is incredibly well designed, intuitive, appropriately paced and clearly designed for busy parents seeking an effective tool to learn the Good Inside approach. The user experience is top-notch. It was so easy to switch from one topic to another, which is so very helpful when you suddenly need to switch content because circumstances change. I started with the content on listening and switched to anxiety without a hiccup.

    I love the ability to bookmark the cards. I love that each deck has foundational ideas that can be read in 5 minutes or less - perfect for accessing content and having time to really ponder and digest it. This really helps access the material in tough moments, because you’re working with one or two concepts at a time.

    Pro tip: Save the “Big Ideas” to a widget on your home screen and Lock Screen. It helps to remember the strategies.

    It’s just awesome, and I am so grateful to have a way to revisit the content on-the-go.

    Team GI knocked it out of the park!! 👏🏻🥇
  • So much GOOD inside this app!

    Dr. Becky has been a game-changer for my husband's and my parenting journey. Foundational concepts that have transformed the way we interact and see our kids... A new way to approach the challenges and the support to continue to work on ourselves as the parents and how WE show up in the relationship. So much of what she shares is so simple yet so effective. And at the same time, so revolutionary compared to how I was raised!! I am forever grateful to her and her team for making all of this knowledge and all these tools available for us, so that we can have stronger relationships with our kiddos and support them to be the amazing humans we know they can be.

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