User Reviews:

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Top reviews

  • Fantastic simple calorie tracking app

    Does exactly what I need without locking away basic features behind some sort of paywall.

    Thank you!
  • Simplistic and User-friendly Ui

    This app is great! Iโ€™ve been a devoted user of MyFitnessPal for years but hate how there is always so much going on, making it so much extra work to even input a basic meal. This app does everything I use MyFitnessPal for and more: Track calories, see calorie goals, and monitor my weight growth. For anyone Bulking or Cutting, a functional calorie tracker is a lifesaver, as you can easily see how many calories you are actually getting in a day. On top of this, the app has the AI feature for whenever I cant find my meal or donโ€™t know exactly whats in it. This speeds up inputs greatly, especially when I donโ€™t feel like scrolling through the list. Overall, amazing app, and it doesnโ€™t even collect any data, have any ads, or ask for a premium subscription! What more can you ask for in a calorie tracker?