User Reviews: Super Hearing Booster

Top reviews

  • How can I write a review?

    Hmmmmm where do I start on writing a review for this app. I can’t write a review why you ask because I haven’t even had a second to look at it why because this is the very first thing that open up after downloading (how can you give a review on a delicious looking triple decker burger if you haven’t had a chance to eat) that’s how I feel right now and I’m willing to bet many many others feel the same way. How about waiting a hour or so of usage time then pop out the brownie points
  • Impressed with the features

    Although I think it would make for a more accurate representation of the app had the review been requested after a person has more time to explore the app, I definitely see more features and more options than any other app
  • amazing

    I couldn’t find an app that will really like and they actually work
  • Director of Communications for a small club

    Haven’t had a lot of time to work with the application.I’ve been working with a real time direct to speech editing tool for interactive multi cam/radar systems engineering including and possibly including d.o.t driven(accidents and slow ups) using the already existing transmitter C.B radio based and government funded..I’ve been able to transmit both data and audio been doing this for years..the entire process will act like a cell system over all ..things that cell companies don’t want you to know..been watching this sector for many years to see others go under..
  • Five star

    I highly recommend this app for all your hit hearing to record private conversations with friends or friends in your area of interest and make sure that you are listening in to your voice as they are talking about the situation in the video
  • Still gotta test

    Rating for a test??? How long do I have to test?? It’s all about the spirit filter for me. I have tried and tested pretty much all of them. This app has the look of the best one that was discontinued from the Apple Store, hope the filter is the same. 2 or 3 others are close but the original has t been matched?
  • So far cool

    Yep seems like it’s easy and functional, haven’t messed around with it much however
  • Will update after using

    This is my first time using but if it works as described this would be the perfect solution for me as I have a hard time hearing
  • Best

    Works really good for sure and would recommend to others
  • Cool but no clue

    You guys have my balls in a vice grip. I chose your app over a bunch of others because I am hard of hearing. I have no idea how to use the app service at this point to make things louder. I put my head down between my legs to sniff my a s s to try to get some sound goin to no avail.

    What am I supposed to do? Tired of drinking my own p e e just to hear a little bit.

    Help a brother!