User Reviews: Letterloop

Top reviews

  • love letterloop, the app could use some work

    love the idea of letterloop it’s such a fun way to stay connected with friends.

    the one thing that annoys me is the way comments appear - i wish you didn’t have to click into each response to see the comment. and the way they open up in chronological order isn’t intuitive, it would be better for them to be grouped by the question they are in response to.

    i think all the comments should be visible at a glance when you open the issue, they should be grouped under the question that they were in reply to. if that will look to busy it can automatically collapse extra comments and make it clickable to expand and see the comments.

    also sometimes pictures you try to attach to an issue take forever to load.

    if these things can be fixed it’ll be 5 stars!!
  • So Happy

    I’ve been so excited for this app to come out! They did an amazing job developing it and so far everything works great. Thank you so much!!
  • Love letterloop

    My three daughters, four granddaughters and I are all loving this “Letterloop”. It is a great way to stay connected and learn more about each other. Kudos to the founders who put this great idea into action. Kind regards, Faye gibson
    Sent from my iPad
  • Give the Developers a Million Dollars

    My friend group from undergrad graduated a year ago and Letterloop has been the best way to catch up when we all live in different places and can’t talk every day like we used to. It feels like every few weeks i open the issue and get to remember how great and funny and interesting my best friends are. If your friends are A1 Yappers in your field, these are so fun to make your own questions. The questions automatically generated in the issue lets me share the smallest things i would usually tell them right away but can’t because of distance. We love debriefing after the issue releases and congratulating each other on job offers, getting mad with them over a biker that cut them off, and seeing what the did on their trip abroad. Anyways. Love my friends, love this app already. Psyched.
  • Genius idea!

    Wow this app is such an amazing idea. I can’t believe nothing like this existed before. My friends and I struggle a lot to stay in touch and this completely solves that problem. Everyone gets reminded when it’s time to add their replies and the whole process happens automatically. Which is amazing because I would never have the time to run this on my own. Letterloop does all the work for me to collect everyone’s replies and send them out in a monthly newsletter. Keeps us all connected and gives us tons of things to talk about when we meet up. Love it!
  • Best app ever! So fun with my family

    This app seriously changed the way we communicate. Beforehand we had a group text chat but no one really shared anything meaningful. We would meet up just on holidays, which was fun but infrequent. We now have a monthly Letterloop and I feel like we really know what’s going on in each others lives. After the newsletter comes out, there are so many things we all want to talk about and many of us end up calling each other. It’s become a really special ritual in our family.
  • So cool! My friends love it!

    Such a fun way for us all to stay in touch. We miss our college days when we were all together. This keeps us all in touch and we get to share what we’ve been up to, plus ask and answer tons of question about things we wouldn’t normally talk about over text. Seriously, our Letterloop newsletter is the one email I look forward to each month. Thank you team at Letterloop!
  • highlight of my month!!!

    i’ve been using letterloop for over 3 years with my best friends from college and extended family. i’m so happy i found this app!
  • Best for keeping in touch

    I love this app for connecting with my friends and family! Getting our newsletter is the highlight of our month and sparks so many new conversations. It’s different than apps like Instagram or Facebook because it’s more interactive and asks important questions.
  • Best thing my friends and I have done!

    Love using this app with my friends. We found it hard to keep in touch after college with everyone living in different places. Group texts are chaotic and we never seem to find the time for regular video calls. This makes it fun and easy to stay up to date and hear the details of everyone’s lives. I even set it up with my family and it works amazingly well for keeping us all connected.