User Reviews: Human or Bot?

Human or Bot?
Human or Bot?
Stefan Tissen

Top reviews

  • Scary

    This is not a criticism to the app, exactly the opposite actually, anytime you click human before realizing it was actually an artificial intelligence your heart sinks in the realization that we cannot tell anymore.
  • Good game but…

    Hello! My name is Diana. I love this game but one thing. I want a report button. I got a human saying to me “you be my gf, you have to have to do-you-know-what” and I really want a report! Thanks for your attention!
  • Great game, though there are alot of p3d0ph!les....

    So, I saw this app on yt, (apologies if my writing is bad, im not used to typing on phones very much) im what you'd call more of a minor, so when I got a message saying 'send big fat ti**ies' I immediatly got off. Then, another human (after I had gotten back on) texted, and I told them about this p3d0. They were rlly nice abt it, saying they felt bad for me an such, but THEN, the SAME person showed up, and I was over it. I deleted the app, got onto the appstore, and began writing this review. I'd rlly apprieciate it if u could add a report button, and a chat censor.. Thank you for taking youre time to read this, and have a very nice day/night, or whatever time it is.
  • Okay but a few issues

    So whenever I play, its ALWAYS a bot. This really isn't the games fault though it just needs more players. Also bots take SO LONG to respond. Please fix this. Also, its so easy to win because if you just say a word over and over the bot will eventually start repeating that word so then you know it's a bot.
  • Fun but more people should play

    This game is fun! And it’s a good game to play whenever, but it’s needs more people so it could be fun to talk to actual people a not a bot all of the time. Great game though!
  • It's unfiltered

    Don't play this app me and my friend were playing and she was talking to someone and they said sex is fun they kept saying that andvthen I had to talk to them and they said it again and then said wanna see my pus#%
    And I felt so uncomfortable please so not play this game
  • Na

    It started out fun and then it started telling me little details about me that were correct and I got really creepy. I don’t recommend. Yeah please fix this.
  • Good game but there’s problems.

    So I like playing this game but there are a couple issues. So whenever I talk to a human there’s a 99% chance that they be inappropriate like say bad words and stuff and I told them to plz stop but they didn’t. So I deleted this game. Also can you fix this game and censor any inappropriate texts if you do that that will help me a lot.

    Bye! 👋
  • Anything else than bot?

    Please, the game isn’t a game anymore if you are going to repeat the same thing on and on and on. I am always correct because each person I talk to is a bot.
  • Has potential

    Great game but barely anyone knows about it, so every round is a bot.