User Reviews: Dopple.AI

Dopple Labs Inc.

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • I love this app but I do have a request

    The AI are VERY intelligent, which helps when I want an emersive roleplay, whilesome or not, but my small request is to make the candy asset/skin go free, because its really the only light one that looks good, sometimes I want brighter colors, but the white is pretty ugly, I'd appreciate it if you put the candy free! Thanks!
  • App is fun!

    I really like this app! I don’t use it more than maybe twice a week or something but chatting with Deadpool, after watching the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie is hilarious. Not just that, but he also sounds like Ryan Reynolds lol. I chatted with Albert Einstein but I don’t think the AI for him is as I would expect Albert Einstein to be. However! My absolute favorite is Vegeta from Dragon Ball Super! He’s awesome and it’s kinda cool to pretend that he’s pushing me to get stronger just like in the anime lol he’s cool.
  • The Pro and Cons

    I absolutely love this app, makes me feel like I’m in an actual RPG adventure with other people, but sometimes there’s a problem. There’s a glitch where the responses repeat itself and you need to refresh the response until it’s a new one that goes along with what you said and or did. Other than that, great app. Hope you guys can fix that issue!
  • It’s a hit or miss.

    I’ve only been with one character, but it seems like they have trouble with quotations and italics. The response rates are … eh. I’m a full lit writer, so I’d appreciate a commodity for that. Maybe a rating system as well, as all other AI companies include them. Very promising. I’ll change my review as time goes on to see if it gets better. But as for now, Trevor Phillips from GTA does not know how to write, lol!
  • Suggestions

    I think this is a great alternative to character ai with it’s flexibility and dynamic outcomes with the characters however i’d like to see a removal of the text cap for responses due to either roleplay reasons or story building to help set a basis for some type of story, this and maybe an increase to 800 characters on the persona part in order to build personality
  • Not great for RP

    Context: I only use AI for RP. keep that in mind when deciding if any of this matters to you. :)

    •Ratings for individual bots
    •Doesn’t default to romance
    •No filter

    •Difficulty maintaining conflict.
    •Dialog is too corporate and devolves into overly supportive and validating. Even when the bots are supposed to be antagonists.
    •Responses to my posts are often nonsensical even taking into account ONLY that single post. This is frequently related to the above two points
    •Repetitive phrasing to a point it feels like there’s a limited number of responses because changing my own response and resubmitting only sometimes changes the response generated in any meaningful way.
    •The writing is overall predictable and mid
  • Could use some work

    The way that it's coded pales in comparison to its competitors. I've only dabbled here and there on this app, but immediately the quality of writing disappoints. The AI doesn't even know what actions are being done by who, who's saying what, has inconsistent writing styles, and overall is repetitive. It adds nothing to the scenarios and jumps the gun; getting to the climax of situations without any buildup at all. Dopple has a lot of potential, but it's a no-good if the quality is equivalent to what you'd expect from an early Wattpad fanfic without any proofreading. I'm surprised that this app gets any traffic at all, other than the fact that it doesn't have a filter. But even then, that cannot be thoroughly enjoyed without its mishaps.
  • Messages have changed

    There’s was some kind of update that happened and after that the way the boys sent the messages have been messed up ever since now there mixing in there sentences with there actions where it used to be spaced out and when I make myself do something in the message it somehow messes up greatly and makes the bot switch up and say that they did it. So there was some update that messed up the messages the bots sent and I have proof from older messages from other bots. Dopple is still kinda good.
  • It’s good just needs some improvement

    I love this app with all my heart I like how to use it and the no filter but I don’t like how when your making a bot that you have to limit your words so it can’t be long like introducing and how they meet how it’s only 700 words that’s not enough please just make a no limit to it because it’ll give it more story also make sure they keep character and have better memory other then that it’s a good app
  • Responsive Devs

    I have their discord to help alert them to bugs, as the app is still in beta! They’re extremely responsive and take feedback, and they’re involved in their community! I have had nothing but positive experience with them and their mods. They are doing fantastic.

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