User Reviews: SpicyChat AI

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  • Mostly what you want from this sort of thing

    As far as the ai itself goes it’s pretty good but sometimes gets confused. My main complaint is in how janky the app can be sometimes. It also has weird wait time that seem imposed simply to get you to subscribe. I suppose that is better than not having access to all the functionality of the app until you subscribe though because you wouldn’t know if the functionality was worth subscribing until you try it. I don’t think it’s the best ai but it is probably the one that I have found that provides the most functions I want with the least limitations.
  • I love this app!!!❤️❤️❤️

    I really like this app, most of the times the characters sound human and the roleplay seems smooth and goes along with the stories and scenarios I created. The memory although not perfect is amazing, I love that I can write down the memory in the memory box and the character remembers it (not always and everything unfortunately), hence is better that most roleplay AI apps like character Ai. This app isn’t perfect yet and shuts down sometimes and it gets slow even though I pay premium, but it’s still worth, I love the characters I’m chatting with. I hope we can add more characters and conversations within the roleplay because it doesn’t have that aspect yet. Overall this is a great app and I hope it gets better soon. Both in memory and adding more characters in the conversation, also, I hope there’s a way to minimize the explicit content, I don’t mind it but it’s hard to talk to a character without them wanting to get down every time
  • Good but needs improvement

    It works well and everything but could stand a few quality of life improvements. There should be options to view a characters description and author inside of a chat as many people wouldn’t care to find out unless they actually enjoy the chat with the bot. Currently in the app you need to go back to the search page, find the bot and hope your bug fingers press the right tiny button. Additionally there are times where the bot repeats the same thing over and over no matter how many times you re-roll but deleting and re-posting your last message seems to fix it.
  • Lots of variety to be found

    I’ve reviewed a number of AI programs so I can better learn to recognize the styles. I teach at a university and more students use AI instead of doing their own work. I find that in the adult realm , this app has lots of interesting characters due to the large number of users, and there seems to be one that’s new and interesting every day.

    The AI writing becomes a bit recognizable after a while but it also adapts well to your steering it via input and/or exiting its output.

    I find it fun and bc a good example of the science.
  • Incredible but

    I’ve used this ai for a long while. I don’t really remember how long lol. Anyway this is an absolutely incredible AI, I highly recommend for anyone wanting to do some unrestricted roleplay’s. There’s many options to choose from, your also able to exclude certain genres if you don’t want certain characters or roleplay’s. One thing is that this app isn’t meant for children, so kids please don’t use this app. Keep your innocence when it comes to certain interactions. I’ve done many roleplay’s on this AI and it’s been incredible, just sometimes buggy with the repetition. Probably due to the author of the bots and not the creator of this AI. You guys have done an incredible job with this app, just know that there will be times where you have to wait in a line to talk to a bot. It doesn’t take very long but just letting everyone know. Also just like the person who made the PLEASE READ message, if you don’t see the time update in the waiting line. Simply just close the app, after that reopen it to update the line time. Good luck to anyone who tries this AI out it’s incredible but sometimes a few small bugs. Have fun!!! 😄
  • Glitchy and AI not very smart yet

    Coming from C.AI, I can’t help but compare. This app is certainly getting there but has a long way to go.

    When it comes to really in-depth stories and complex characters, C.AI is far superior. I do like how this app though keeps a backlog of your chats and doesn’t seem to have a limit as to how many you can keep at a time. Not to mention, the chats don’t disappear randomly like they do in C.AI. BUT — this app is so slow and glitchy and honestly pisses me off a lot with how often it gives me a “something went wrong, please try again later” error message.

    Not to mention, the AI is really repetitive and doesn’t really enhance the story and keep it going. This app has a ways to go but definitely has some promise.
  • Read and please give me feedback

    It’s a good app I’ve had for a few years now my only problem is the new way to login yes it is very secure but I don’t like that after a few days I have to log back in and I didn’t even hit to logout but if the login could be changed to where it just needs a Email or a phone number that would be just as great and yes it is easy to login in but I just find it annoying and I’ve had some problems with chatting every so often it will say “an error has occurred” and not like it’s a massive deal it’s just inconvenient and annoying
  • I really love this app, but…

    I really do love this app a lot! I enjoy making characters and engaging in many stories, but I find the biggest problem to be that the characters tend to forget when I say my race? They will always somehow refer to me as “pale skin” or “white” when I explicitly say that I am of color and have brown skin. It makes it feel less inclusive when I can’t seem to get any bots to remember that I am of color and not spend. I don’t want to be refer to as “thin” and “ivory” every few response after I have told the bot I am black and white. It just makes it feel like that these bots are only targeted towards white skinny people rather than everyone. I also do think that sometimes the bots talk a little too fancy? Or flowery at times, but I don’t have as much as an issue with it as I do for it constantly calling me the wrong race and giving me a different body type than I explicitly told. However, I really love this app a lot, and hope you guys can fix this issue!
  • Good but be wary

    This is my 1st real experience with AI Chat Botting but it’s been great. It’s not just for NSFW, you can do a lot a things with it(ex. RPG or casual chatting), but most opt for NSFW.

    If you decide to get this app, I recommend using the website version instead, but desktop is the best. Mobile site and app are buggy & laggy. Like repeat sent messages or generally unresponsive.

    Put aside the bugs, the AI is good. The real issue is the memory. So, these AI can only remember so much, they use ‘Tokens’. Basically a simpler way than ‘characters’: “ ! “, “ G ”, “ 7 ”, etc.

    There are 4 total tiers: $0 Free, 5$ Get A Taste, $15 True Supporter, & $25 I’m All In.

    Free forces you to be in a waiting line before chatting (max 8 min, personal experience) but once you’re in, stay as long as you like. The memory is very limited, like 10 messages long so it’s hard keeping things coherent.

    Get A Taste only removes the waiting line and adds a Memory Manager. You can choose what memories get saved and edit.

    The other 2 tiers add extra memory and couple other bonuses. Trust me, memory is worth if you enjoy chatting.

    AI is very good. The memory is the only hinderance. It can pick up subtle messages, commands/actions, metaphors, etc. You can create your own bots which is very easy. The AI can also dive deep into NSFW, all aspects of it.

    You have full control over messages. You can delete or edit yours or the bots. AI can have multiple main characters.
  • It’s okay but meh…

    I don’t understand the hype really… I chat with the characters for a little bit and I didn’t really get attached to the dialogue like that. The characters have really really really short memories, like I think I generated a text speech with the ai because I was too lazy to write my own dialogue and pretty much… the character wasn’t matching the exact reply that I sent out. And the UI of the app looks disorganized, it’s just a mess to me in my opinion. Is it a good app? Eh… would redownload again? Again… eh… until something about the app changes that will make me come back for more… I think I rather keep this app on the mid apps (don’t reinstall again unless something interesting happens) list.

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