User Reviews: Volar Dating

Top reviews

  • Horrible App

    I attempted to use this app after being reached out to to promote their launch party in San Francisco. The ai bot continued to match me with people outside of the age range and distance range I requested. The ai conversations did not reflect what I had told the bot, and overall the experience is horrible. I would not recommend.
  • Lot of bugs to work out

    I thought it was an interesting concept at first, but the system has some serious issues to work out:

    First off, the “AI” makes up facts during its conversations. I said I enjoy scuba diving and my AI has me diving the Great Barrier Reef, despite me giving no indication that I have ever been anywhere near Australia.

    Second, I asked that it only provide me with matches in my area. Instead, it decided it would provide me with matches exclusively from several states away. I then asked that it stop showing me matches from that city and it has disregarded that request for two days straight.

    I kept the app for about a week and just deleted it before leaving this review.
  • Ummmmm.

    So according to the help chatbot there is a main page that has additional options but I don’t see it.
  • Ok this is cool

    Once I onboarded fully this thing is awesome. Went on 3 dates thanks to Volar!
  • No more awkward icebreaking

    Tried out Volar for a few days and I'm loving it! The chatbot icebreakers are a genius idea. I don’t need to do awkward ice breaking chat every time. The AI conversations are quite fun, even including some mistakes they made related to my hobbies.
  • New way of dating?

    I spent a lot of time on tinder and hinge and am really frustrated that I had to talk to someone for a while only to find out she is not my fit. Volar is the opposite. It is clean. It gives you context immediately. Big time saver for me.
  • Makes your profile dull

    Imagine the most generic, averaged-out AI-generated content you’ve read, and then imagine that as an online dating profile. That’s Volar! Your online dating profile should be unique with personality, but Volar strips that out. PLUS it doesn’t even apply what you’ve told it. I’m a woman looking for men and it keeps showing me women. And when i told it i was a foodie, it asked if i was the “go out to eat” foodie or the “cook at home” foodie (smart question!) i answered the former. But then in chats it made me sound like i was the cook at home type! Don’t ask questions if you’re not going to apply the answers.
    It also does plenty of the AI hallucinations. It told a match that i had just gone to a live music show, and i had NOT told it I even liked doing that. And it made up movies i’ve seen.

    I’ve sort of made a hobby of seeing what works and doesn’t work on dating apps, so i have plenty of ideas. But Volar’s approach doesn’t solve any problems.
  • Cool Idea, Needs More Users

    Will be interesting to see how this develops over time but it’s a great start. Needs more users and more options to customize profile outside of the chatbot. Take a page out of Hinge and Bumble’s profile functions