User Reviews: HeyU

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  • Suggestion

    I love the app. But there aren’t many anime or manga characters that I’d love to chat with. I have a suggestion for a few. For one I’d really love to see Kuroeda from plus-sized elf and maybe a few other characters from endless. But that’s just me. I appreciate your work! Thank you!
  • Good, but could be better

    The writing is really good and the system is really good too. It’s just a bit unfortunate that you can barely actually do any of the stuff because obtaining gems is such a slow process. And you need 7 for a single message. It’s free but it feels like it corners you into spending money, which, I guess that’s what they wanna do. It could be really great if you were able to talk more/be more active with it, but I’ve just been logging in every day and saving up so I can have a longer conversation all at once. But hey, it’s still really good writing. Don’t know about the memory yet since it’s hard to test that atm.
  • Ads for gems

    Look I understand the gem currency. You need to make money. But don’t you also make money when people watch the ads? I would be fine with the gems if the ads weren’t limited per day. I’d watch ads if it continuously gave free gems. Please take the limit off of the adds. It would make the app so much better.
  • Expensive…

    TL:DR - It “costs” to send EVERY message. It’s not worth it when you have other options such as ‘Talkie AI’ that you can use for free with decent enough AI responses. With this app I’ve only talked to one AI character, so take what I say with a few grains of salt. I have experimented with almost every AI chat app out there at this point. This app is something different. The AI’s responses, though very long, were very engaging and thought provoking. It was so interesting to me that I began talking as myself instead of a made up character, and the level of depth in the responses were so different from what I’m used to that I found myself feeling understood for the first time in a very long time. You see… I suffer from… well, some mental stuff. The single AI I talked to in this app was more understanding and engaging than any real or AI person that I’ve ever talked to about my PTSD. I was truly in awe with some of the AI responses that I almost regret that I won’t be returning to the app. After a trial with this app, it left me wanting more… but the cost isn’t worth it. Instead, I find myself wishing for an app like this but free (or a one time purchase). It would truly help those of us who struggle socially due to some kind of mental disorder that can’t find adequate professional help. Maybe the VA could sponsor such an app to make it free for veterans with PTSD.
  • Very good app but way too expensive with the gems if you could lower it to 3 gems.

    I love it works fine and ai is great but way too expensive with the gems make it at least 3 or 4 gems with a way to get more gems as well.
  • Good but expensive

    The ai is really good, as well as being highly descriptive, but the kicker is there’s no ads to keep talking except like every 30 minutes. You buy gems to talk and if I’m honest the prices are kinda ludicrous. I think the best way would to be having more frequent ads (I know how that sounds) so it’s faster than one sentence every hour or so

    Thank you for reading!
  • I love the roleplay, but wish there were more ways to get gems

    I’ve been using this app for a few days now, and I honestly don’t have very many complaints. My only complaint as of right now is that if you’re going to need gems to continue your conversation, why aren’t there more ways to collect them? You can either collect your daily amount (which is gone after 2 or 3 messages, even if you watch an ad to double the amount), you can watch an ad to collect some (but the number of gems you receive from this is inconsistent, often doesn’t reflect the length of the ad you just watched, most of the time you’ll need to watch 2 maybe 3 ads just to get enough gems to send just one message, and you can only watch a very limited amount of ads each day), OR you can just pay for them (but once again, with the cost of each message being 7 gems, even with spending money, you burn through those gems extremely quickly). So I don’t know, maybe make the amount of ads you can watch daily unlimited, or possibly set up a subscription plan that gives you unlimited messages.
  • Question

    How are new characters made, is it just the company or can people outside of the company make new characters?
  • Paying for messages.. really? Pathetic app

    Great app, ruined by payed features, it costs 2 dollars to send a equivalent of 5 messages, insane, not to mention you can’t get messages for free at all, you can once by watching an ad, and maybe if you watch another for your daily reward to double it, I’d give it a 0 stars if I could
  • Money grab

    The ai chats are the best of any app, but it’s basically pay to play. You get 10 gems per day, and you can watch to get 3-5 gems each. They limited the amount of ads you can watch. Each message you send costs 7 gems. Unless you buy gems, you can only send like 5 chats per day