Bulletin User Reviews

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  • Great apps

    Love the interface. The next toggle is really noice. A lot of sources. The AI summary is a cool feature. Great job!!
  • Clear potential…but still has a long way to go.

    I love the idea behind this app. The care and attention to the UX is clear. Appreciate push notifications, iCloud syncing, and the full Apple ecosystem support.

    If you want a basic “already configured”news/RSS app, Bulletin fits the bill. Which leads to what’s missing…

    It’s missing some critical things for long-time RSS users though:

    * Yes, you can import in your own OPML feeds, but organizing them and essentially wiping the slate clean to just bring my familiar feeds in my own organization style…that’s a daunting process. So much so, that I gave up for now.

    * It doesn’t appear to offer options to use Postlight or Readability to parse/extract articles from feeds that only provide headlines, but admittedly I only tested a couple of feeds with this.

    * Customizing notifications in a more granular way by feed, number of topics, or keywords would be a lovely addition.

    * Hierarchical sorting beyond a single category.

    * Customizing the sidebar area.

    This is an opinionated app…I love that about it. It’s just not quite my aesthetic. Longtime users of Reeder or News Explorer are going to enjoy the UX, long for the AI summarization features that come natively here, but struggle to embrace a paradigm that wants you to do things the Bulletin way instead of the way you’ve become accustomed to in other RSS apps. That’s not a bad thing, but I do long for significantly more customization features in feed organization, hierarchy, parsing, update times, and a “just start from a clean slate and import my stuff and don’t add anything to it” option. I’d happily spend money on this app if it evolves in that direction. For now…I will envy some of the summarization features but go back to my trusted long-time RSS apps.
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  • Notifications are … not good

    “A new notification has been posted” is not the type of notification I want went a new article gets posted, why can’t it show the title and the content of the posts like other rss apps?
  • No font size options

    So tired of text-centric apps such as this where all you do is read text and yet there is NO WAY to change the font size of the article text, even using iOS app-specific font size feature. What is the deal with these devs? It’s like making a car without the ability to adjust the seats. Unbelievable. Navigation from the tiny text article view is horrible. No way to swipe to next article or even dismiss the pop-up view. No easy way to mark articles as read. No mark read on scroll. This is just horrible… go check out other apps like Inoreader or Readkit and copy their main reading features. Then build off of that with your AI. Add more voice options. The default iOS voice is unbearable. Also your price is too high for what this offers. I like the idea of this which is why I care to leave such a review and it’s a great start to something amazing. It is just unusable… for me. Main gripes are above. Fix the problems and I’ll change this to a glowing 5 star review. UPDATE TO YOUR RESPONSE: No, you can’t. It does not change article font size which was my point.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, Thank you for the constructive feedback. You can change font sizes via system settings. Voice options have also been tweaked to be more natural. Thanks, Shihab
  • Not terrible

    The summaries are worthless. Other than than the app feels like one of many sub par news aggregators.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, Thank you for the constructive feedback. These are all actively being worked on with frequent updates to make the app and summaries feature better. Thank you, Shihab
  • Super slow and glitchy at times

    Great concept but in my usage I notice a lot of slow updates and/or the app appears to hang on a blank screen.

    Developer Response

    Hi there, Thank you for the constructive feedback. Improvements to this are actively being worked on with frequent updates to make the app better. Thank you, Shihab
  • Decent with potential

    Lovely to look at
    Easy to read feeds

    Limited font options
    Cannot customize main tabs (News, Technology, etc)
    Hard to move feeds into main tabs if you import your feed
    Load times are slow
    Imported feeds show up as one tab called “Imported” it regards your categories inside the feed file *****
    No bulk editing
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, Thank you for the constructive feedback. These are all actively being worked on with frequent updates to make the app better. Thank you, Shihab
  • Nope

    No Inoreader/Feedly sync
    Everything in the UI is just too big. Looks like it was designed for the elderly. Not enough information density.
    Useless button on the bottom to scroll down when you can just scroll.
    AI button on the main page is summarizing the top article, not the feed. Super weird to have that button there.
    Turn off categories disables them, but it looks weird because it doesn’t toggle off all the feeds under them as you would expect.
    Feels very half-baked. Might revisit in in a year, but it’s just a first draft of an app right now.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there,  Thank you for the constructive feedback. I shall take them onboard and improve the app further. Thanks,  Shihab
  • I would have paid for artifact

    But not for this app

    Developer Response

    Hi there, Thank you for the constructive feedback. Thanks, Shihab
  • No font size options

    So tired of text-centric apps such as this where all you do is read text and yet there is NO WAY to change the font size of the article text, even using iOS app-specific font size feature. What is the deal with these devs? It’s like making a car without the ability to adjust the seats. Unbelievable. Navigation from the tiny text article view is horrible. No way to swipe to next article or even dismiss the pop-up view. No easy way to mark articles as read. No mark read on scroll. This is just horrible… go check out other apps like Inoreader or Readkit and copy their main reading features. Then build off of that with your AI. Add more voice options. The default iOS voice is unbearable. Also your price is too high for what this offers. I like the idea of this which is why I care to leave such a review and it’s a great start to something amazing. It is just unusable… for me. Main gripes are above. Fix the problems and I’ll change this to a glowing 5 star review.
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    Developer Response

    Hi there, Thank you for the constructive feedback. You can change font sizes via system settings. Voice options have also been tweaked to be more natural. Thanks, Shihab

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