Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Great but some stuff should be added

    It’s the best monsterverse game but photos for Gxk kaiju should be added and roars as well please?
  • Hollow earth

    Just click on the moon button to see hollow earth kaiju
  • More stuff but good

    Wow this is a awesome app but all the titans have roars other than the titans that only have artwork but shimo does not have a roar and you should add songs and themes as something you can listen to and add multiple roars for each titan but overall it’s amazing 🤩 I love it but if you add all of this stuff this app will be perfect 👍🏻 hope you devs do this 😁
  • Something missing

    Don’t get me wrong it’s a great app but I just want shimo
  • Ok

    The game is pretty good, but the game keeps freezing on me. Very good game though.
  • It’s amazing, I recommend it, but please read this though!!!

    So, this was just amazing, it was as if I owned monarch titans, but I have a request, a few actually, okay, first of all, is there mothra? She counts as a titan. Also, wait, I found her already, but what is there to do? Maybe you can put a search box so you can search a titan and it comes. And why do some of them not have a roar? I need to know. And to those who are reading this other than developer, uhh, it’s a small map. I agree it’s probably the way it is supposed to be, but I’m so annoyed there’s not enough. Maybe there could be an easier way to get to hollow earth, I haven’t been there yet though, so updates are coming soon, by the way, thanks for putting in the super charge Godzilla. That is the Godzilla that looks right, in minus one, it doesn’t seem right. To round head, to big, to giant thick fat legs, so, yeah. Thanks, enjoy the review, and please download it if u want to know backstories of titans, or if u are interested in giants, I only downloaded this because I am a super Godzilla fan, also because I like, no LOVE Millie Bo bye brown and she’s in a Godzilla movie, no, she was in two. Okie dokie! And also, lastly, if u aren’t interested in learning by reading, it also shows their roars, but there aren’t many adds, I am fine with it. It gives me a break time anyways then. Okie dokie everyone, enjoy the app if u download it! 12/10. Five star. Amazing just amazing, it’s like I own monarch titans again. Okie dokie, have a nice time!
  • It’s ok

    The game is really fun in all but can you put more monsters in the arctic the only monster in the arctic is monster0 last I checked in gxk they said there is a lot more monsters there you forgot some of the OG monsters but really this is a good game to use if you are a monster guy this definitely needs a 4 stars

    This game is good but just 1 bug when I go into apex facility I can’t get out BUT THIS GAME IS VERY VERY GOOD FOR MONSTERVERSE FANS LIKE MEEE
  • I Love this game because I Get To Learn About Titans In Hollw Earth and Skull Island

    It’s Fun
  • I still like it though

    Can we get a new game in this? And second of all wheres Na Kika