User Reviews: Rock Kickers

Rock Kickers
Rock Kickers

Top reviews

  • Good enjoyable game, needs a tune up.

    I like this game, yet there are several bugged features that need to be fixed.
  • Bugs and not much content

    I like the game, it’s simple yet fun. However, I left it for a couple weeks because I got busy with life. When I came back I had 1234 coins and all different gems. It wouldn’t let me buy anything, break the rock etc. I was stuck and had to reset my game. No big deal, I wasn’t THAT far anyway. What does bother me though is the ranger does not work unless I’m standing right next to it. The moment they are off the screen every single shot will miss, the moment they are on the screen every shot hits. I would like to be able to use my rangers AND kick the rock (the name of the game) at the same time but it won’t work while I’m kicking the rock because they are off screen.

    Last thing to mention is simply not much content as of now, not extremely far in the game but it just seems like the same thing over and over
  • Fun game but…

    I like the game, but I can’t upgrade my character. Don’t know if I’m missing something. I have 1200+ gems, red and green, still can’t. Kind of defeats playing the game.
  • Update

    It’s funny how after every update u lose all ur stuff
  • I really like this game till 4 level.

    At 4 level. After I shut down, when back to play again I can’t get anything to work correct like helpers disappeared. I deleted app and reinstall. Still have a issues. Hopefully you guys get fix that bug.
  • Quests

    I liked the game until my quest said kick the rock 3000 times… sorry but no thanks..
  • No progress to be made

    there comes a point in the game where you break so many rocks that your carriers can't pick them all up and the carrier drones are broken (they don't do anything) so it makes it very laggy
  • Good game, but technically stolen

    This game is basically a copy paste of the gnorp analogue, good game just it’s stolen from that for sure.