User Reviews: Dungeons of Souls

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Extremely Repetitive

    20 rooms to get through per level of identical enemies doing identical moves with no difference in rooms besides a slight layout change. It would be better to have a radar like Halo if you’re gonna move this slow and tell me with a waypoint I forgot an enemy at the very beginning of the map. - Game also has forced ads - I also don’t support ANY game that has absolutely no quality control on the ads it allows and when you show me ads that don’t match the game/app.

    Honestly this game has potential, but based off of what I have seen the devs are just using this game to shove ads in front of your face and call it a game. 1* for sure.
  • Scam game unplayable with barrage of ads.

    You’re forced to watch an ad between every level (every 5 floors), and since each level only takes 2-5 minutes, you end up seeing a ridiculous number of ads in a short time.

    The game also has the industry-standard ads for in-game boosts like respawns, gold, health, and gems. These are fine because they are optional, but massively improve progression, efficiency, and survivability.

    Luckily, they offer a $10 “ad removal package” for 30 days that normally allows you to get those in-game boosts for free.

    But here’s the catch: this package ONLY removes the forced ads between levels, not the in-game boost ads. ???

    What a terrible, greedy, and tone-deaf user experience. When you buy an ad removal package, you expect to not watch ads. With this package you don’t get any benefits besides a small QoL boost.
  • Beautiful game

    Plays like a wandering dungeon game. Graphics are very beautiful. Gameplay is ok. The decorative rocks, plants, fences, etc in the middle of the play field is there for visuals only. You can walk right through most of them. Only the left and right sides have good clipping, but that doesn’t ruin the gameplay. The cards that give skills and bonuses seem to only activate for a few levels beyond the level they were found. Beyond that the badly needed skills did not activate for me. For instance, the chance for health potions when killing an enemy. That is a challenge for survival, but it drives players to the Ads for help. Also, got a notification for an awesome weapon, come and kill the boss to get it. After above challenges, I ended up killing the boss, and after, no awesome weapon. I stopped playing, cause why bother for disappointment? Other games out there that aren’t.
  • Forced Ads

    I was having a blast, I watched every optional ad for the buffs. Latest version has now added forced ads and multiple ads during a single level run. This means you spend more time watching forced ads than playing the game. The game was fantastic with a balanced ad system, I was watching 5-6 ads -4 minutes of ads to play 10-20 minutes of play. Now being forced to watch even more ads i watched about 15 minutes of ads to play 20 minutes of the game. This is simply too much and now the developers are likely to get no ad revenue from me, why play this ad riddled game, so i can delete the game and solve this issue.
  • Game ending glitch

    Been playing for a few weeks and progressed pretty far. Collected thousands of gold for upgrades for my character and my pet.
    Then one day while playing, I clear a room as normal and walk through the portal to the next room. The game glitches and my character is just stuck on the other side of the portal instead of the game progressing to the next room.
    That was it. The game couldn’t progress. I closed and reopened the app and the game just gets stuck on a black screen that says loading…
    I uninstall and reinstalled the app and it just reset all my progress. So, I’m done. I’m not doing weeks of work over. I can do that on a new game. So frustrating!
  • Do not download

    Game does not progress past stage 3 room 10. And no response from company. Many people have complained and no fix. And it’s been well over a month. Customer support is non existent.
  • It's crashed

    Doesn't work in the stage 3 and It's frozen. i restared the game and it's stoped loading page. I deleted app and re-installed but it's same. Please solve the bug!! (Update on July 20) It seemed that the problem was solved for several days but it was frozen again at level 11. I couldn't play the game and just saw the loading page for three days and I was waiting it's fixed.....
  • Eh

    Decent game. Highly enjoyable. But It keeps getting stuck on level 3 for me. I would delete the game and start over and everything I unlocked would be there but the actually progress would be at the beginning. I deleted It 3 times and each get to the same part floor 16 then game doesn’t load
  • Great game, won’t load

    I played this game for about 3 hours straight then I had to make some food so I exited the game. Now it won’t load at all. I would for sure give this game 5 stars if I could play it. As it stands now a lot of players have this issue and have made a review about the same thing I’m experiencing. That’s why I gave it a one star rating. It doesn’t seem like the developers are doing anything about it, but I really hope they do because I’d love to play this game and give it the five stars it deserves.

    Needs an update very soon-July 15
  • It had potential

    Ive had to delete and redownload this game multiple times just to actually play it. Once the developer fix all the bug issues this game will be awesome but for right now it’s a pass for me dawg. This game has so much potential but there are way to many bugs to deal with. For now i would give it zero stars if that was possible.