User Reviews: noplace

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  • active interactions & ideas

    hello, this app is overall good. i love that the creator and their team are constant with improving the app! i also love how active ppl are despite being LATE AT NIGHT LOL. u get random posts and random responses, it can be lovely. i love that it allows us to have unique themes and interests to add on! i hope to see more flexible features like picking a part of a song to display, adding our own star interest (currently doesnt work for me) and adding our own image background too! i wont ask for too much cs ik this app js got out. so ty ty for releasing noplace!!
  • has potential

    this is a pretty fun app and i enjoy it! i’m on it a lot, and i enjoy chatting with people on there. also i think the level up thing is a genius way to get people to keep posting on the app. i also like the boosting feature, its better than a like button imo! that being said, i think there could be a lot of improvements if it wants an actual chance at competing with other apps. first of all, a way to share pictures/videos is super important! it’s a huge part of the reason why instagram/tiktok/twitter/every other social media app is so popular, and without a way to post pics people WILL begin to leave the app. overall i’m giving this 3 stars because it’s fun and addicting, but it does have a lot of bugs/glitching and other issues. would love to see updates in the near future! <3
  • Some suggestions

    The actual app itself is not a bad start, and by all means I do not think it’s supposed to be perfect because it was released a couple days ago, however I think they’re definitely some things that can improved!

    Some features, like the DM chat feature, is confusing quite some people and a little hard to use. I feel like being able to copy people’s users would help when you need to search for who you wanna chat for. Speaking of users, I feel like some information could be private like the “Irl now” feature, and age. However I love the display and it would be nice to be able to change the background as well as the profile pic!

    And lastly the filter. Such as the other person mentioned, it’s a little disturbing to connect with people and find out they’re so much older or younger than you. I feel like a good and unique addition to the app you could include is to separate the ages of people in sections. It’ll give people a lot more security because people on TikTok say that this app sells info, which could make you lose consumers.

    All in all, the app is a great start, but you wanna go for different and a modern myspace idea is great, however a few revisions would never hurt anyone. I can’t wait to see how this app grows and thanks for reading, I hope I wasn’t rude!
  • Luv the app!!!

    Love it!!! There’s obviously going to be some it’s because it’s so new but it’s a great start!!! It looks so pretty and the profiles are so so fun 😍 I love interacting with the live feed of what everyone’s saying, though I wonder what it will be like when more users join. Maybe show local posts first???

    A lot of people also keep talking about image uploads on the platform. I don’t know what direction you’re going to take this app, but I feel like putting some kind of restraint on the file size or maybe only making gifs allowed would be a cool way to make the app unique. Kinda like the “nospace” logo is. Low poly and forces people to use creativity to make the site and everything uploaded onto it unique!!

    Just some suggestions!! Love the app! Lee up the awesome work!
  • I’ll stick around

    I have been waiting a few months for this app to come out and was disappointed every time I saw the date get pushed back. The second I got the notification the app was live i immediately went and made my account. For it only being live a few days, I think the app is absolutely great. I feel like too many people are expecting it to be at the same level as Instagram after less then a week. It’s extremely easy to connect with new people. Everyone is so friendly on the app and eager to speak to each other. I wish you could filter out what age range to see on your news feed though. My app hasn’t lagged at all and has worked fine. I like seeing everyone’s themes and being able to customize my own. I know there’s going to be tons of updates in the future
  • Buggy but Great!! UPDATE

    I really like it so far! It seems like their servers are having some trouble but I love how the app works and the look of everything. I’m sure new features will be added soon, but I really like it so far! I definitely recommend it

    UPDATE: A few days post launch and a lot of the bugginess has stopped, the book library is still down unfortunately and sometimes when typing the interface glitches but for the most part the app works super smoothly. I love all the customization options available and that no matter how many friends you have your posts will still be seen. also, the current dot wars event is super fun I hope to see more in the future
  • Age..

    Chat you should make the year 2012 apart of the app, since..since..I’m twelve!!!! But dw I’m actually very chill, and since because the age requirement is like 12+ for the app in the App Store, I think you guys should add 2012 apart of it too. I understand if you don’t want to because twelve year olds are immature and shouldn’t be let on devices..but sometimes kids grow up without supervised internet access(me), so just saying, you don’t have to but I think it would be a great choice, I just HATE lying about my age saying I’m thirteen and then people will be like “oh..your- your thirteen?..oh that’s not..”. Also will be really annoyed by people saying that. But if you read this and actually consider doing it then I appreciate it.

    I actually enjoy this app but there should be a log in button too🙁(I accidentally logged out and now I can’t get back into my account wahhhh)


    As a 24 year old who was born when Myspace JUST stopped becoming popular, this feels like a close second to what could have been a revival for that, which is a good thing! You can customize your blog and profile, have a top 10 friends, add music, etc.

    There is a huge issue with interaction between minors and grown adults. There is no age verification or age gate to separate the 12 year olds from the 30 year olds, and it’s extremely dangerous. You have children (12 year olds) joking about wanting to be groomed….and adults having access to chatting with these children. It’s extremely disturbing and a big reason why a lot of users have left the app. It needs to be under control.
  • Good app! Needs a bit of tweaking

    I like this app so far! It’s fun but there are definitely changes that should be made. I wish there was a more in-depth tutorial or some kind of user guide, or at least clear explanations for things, just because the app is so new and is not super familiar to people yet. I also really, *really* wish that there was a way to filter minors out of your feed. Interacting with this many young children, and children in general makes me really uncomfortable, so I wish that selecting 18+ actually did something so that it either fully filters out minors, or at least limits them. I feel like every other person on here is a child and I really Don’t Like That.
  • Pretty good just some icks

    Over all I think it’s great and gives the 2000s MySpace vibe and I love it so much, it’s just missing being able to send photos and post photos to give it that pop.

    It’s also very buggy for the most part and it doesn’t load messages or it won’t send texts, I’ve talk to several people on the app itself and they all agree that most of not all ways of communicating are bugged or slow.

    The posting is fun and the cute profiles are amazing to share with people, I’m giving it a 4 stars over all because its a new app and I know the DEVS can definitely help out and fix things around

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