User Reviews: Southwestern LEAD

Southwestern LEAD
Southwestern LEAD
Southwestern Advantage, Inc.

Top reviews

  • I learned how to face challenges!

    Working with LEAD has benefitted me not only as a professional but also as a person. Learning about discipline vs. motivation and emotional intelligence has led me to understand what it takes to succeed in life and relationships. As a marketing major I see myself communicating in teams daily, learning how to step out of my comfort zone. Thanks to LEAD, I learned how to overcome challenges with a positive attitude. The best thing about this app is that it easy to follow through and having a mentor helps me keep myself accountable to my goals.
  • Elite program

    As a student that is going through the program I can definitely say that it’s a really good one stop shop for self improvement and perspective. The life coaching and relationship building aspect is good and honestly it’s super fun knowing I’m on my way to getting a letter of recommendation just be dedicating myself to being better.
  • My life changing experience with LEAD!

    As student having gone through this process, I can first hand tell of the impact LEAD has had on my own life. I am a 20 year old college kid that, like most college students, was kind of wandering through life. I got told about this program and decided to take a leap of faith and just do it.

    I have gained so much from the program such a commitment skills, interpersonal skills such as self-talk, be-do-have mindset, financial literacy, and the confidence in myself to accomplish anything I put my mind to. I have yet to find a program that provides such a well rounded curriculum that personalizes the teaching to what I need.

    I am so thankful I found LEAD and can’t wait to see where the skills I learn through this program take me! If you are looking for something that encourages growth in every aspect of life from your own home: check out LEAD!! It’s great for young and old!!
  • Changed my productivity and efficiency!

    I did the LEAD program as a senior in high school and now I’m a Sophomore in college. It was genuinely so helpful to talk with a mentor/ accountability partner who was slightly older than me, cool, and the type of person I want to become! I learned useful life skills back in high school like scheduling and balancing theater rehearsals, school, homework/ studying time, and personal life. Overall, it set me ahead before college and has improved the way I view productivity and how I perform as a person and as a student! I’ve had success in school and work and a lot of those skills can be traced back to the principles I learned back in LEAD.
  • Great Product

    As a college student I love the way the LEAD program helps me with things they don’t teach at university. I especially like the sections about vision boarding and maintaining a great schedule. Would definitely recommend for anyone trying to work on themselves!
  • Highly recommend

    There is a lot more to life than just school, I love how lead helps me refocus myself towards self improvement and the mentors that care about my success.

    LEAD has been a great investment for my personal development. The reason LEAD has been beneficial to me is because it has taught me many different skills that have never been introduced to me anywhere else. Skills like goal-setting, communication skills, money management, the importance of a good schedule and many more skills and traits that will benefit me a ton in my future.
  • LEAD teaches what school doesn’t

    LEAD offers a practical toolkit of essential life skills that are often overlooked in school. LEAD makes learning crucial skills like
    communication, time management, financial literacy, and many more engaging and accessible. LEAD has taught me the success habits and interpersonal skills that I need to thrive in my career and personal life. I highly recommend investing in LEAD if you're looking to bridge the gap between academics and success.
  • Becoming You

    LEAD is a place where young people have the opportunity to further understand themselves. I love different concepts taught in LEAD such as “Be. Do. Have.” and vision boarding. These are different reflection exercises that have given me a sense of direction in my life, and helped me set specific goals in what I want to do and who I want to be.
  • Great investment!

    My daughter has participated in the LEAD program for two years. She has loved learning all kinds of skills not always taught in the classroom. This skill set has helped her with better communication, problem-solving and confidence just to name a few. LEAD has been a great investment for her.