Bug or something
I don’t have the option to break my teammates level / level them up also can you maybe balance out the higher realm needed experience/qi lower it if you can and make it so the higher master you have for something it lowers the cost to use it rather then highten it still a nice game if you can maybe have like trello or something or maybe like an experience book for each mob you kill like quality of life update or smaller updates before big one to keep players playing maybe also add other wepon like bows spears axes and what not so player can kinda choose a path they want and maybe add mythical or legend type styles like plums blossom or something of the sorts maybe life blind weapon that are formed when you hit the souls realm and the sword grows with the user maybe add other races that you can also roll and if you combine two chaotic body traits it evolves into a stary body or something higher quality with a cool name
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Can you add death save like if your phone dies you still have time to watch a video to save your life span just a suggestion