Short but sweet and relaxing
This one starts out a little tough, but it gets much easier the more you upgrade your little plantdroid. As it gets easier, it becomes relaxing to play. It’s actually a great way to unwind, take your mind of off your busy life.
The gameplay’s pretty simple: you wander around planting and watering trees while managing the resources you need to keep your plantdroid alive, occasionally defending those trees from evil robots. Because of this simplicity, the game isn’t terribly demanding, so it’s easy to hop into for a quick session. The game autosaves quite generously, so you can stop playing without having to worry about losing your progress.
I have two pieces of constructive criticism: I’d like to see a little icon appear onscreen whenever the game saves, you know, just so I can be doubly sure my progress is being saved, and I’d love the ability to manually save my data.
I’d really recommend this one. It’s on the short side (around two to four hours at most for completionists like me), but it’s well worth experiencing.
Anyway, thanks for reading my review, my fellow gamers, and thank you, dev, for making your game!
The gameplay’s pretty simple: you wander around planting and watering trees while managing the resources you need to keep your plantdroid alive, occasionally defending those trees from evil robots. Because of this simplicity, the game isn’t terribly demanding, so it’s easy to hop into for a quick session. The game autosaves quite generously, so you can stop playing without having to worry about losing your progress.
I have two pieces of constructive criticism: I’d like to see a little icon appear onscreen whenever the game saves, you know, just so I can be doubly sure my progress is being saved, and I’d love the ability to manually save my data.
I’d really recommend this one. It’s on the short side (around two to four hours at most for completionists like me), but it’s well worth experiencing.
Anyway, thanks for reading my review, my fellow gamers, and thank you, dev, for making your game!
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