User Reviews: Summoners Kingdom

Summoners Kingdom:Goddess
Summoners Kingdom:Goddess
Shanghai Yunqiu Network Technology Co., Ltd

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • A decent game with a few bugs

    So far the game seems decent. The animations seem pretty good for what they are and I like the art style they use, although my one complaint is that the males all seem to have skipped leg day:/

    The game play itself is pretty straight forward nothing to complicated,and there’s seems to be a decent amount of content to play especially when the main story starts to get a little stale. The story itself seems a little off as it seems that the translations are a tad too lost in translation leading me to just skip it because half of it doesn’t make sense.

    As far as the cash store is concerned there’s a lot to buy but it seems so far you can get by without having to buy anything, you just have to wait for the afk to accumulate and advance that way, albeit it takes a little longer to get farther in the main story line.

    One other concern is that for whatever reason when playing on the IPAD there’s no sound? Everything works fine on the IPHONE but for whatever reason even after the patch I still get no sound on the IPAD? Something to look into I hope?

    Other than that the game is pretty good I’m going to play it some more for a while and hopefully it improves. I know it just came out so I’m sure there’s lots to improve on but it’s not a terrible game it just has some issues to iron out. I recommend to give it a try it’s not the best AFK out there but certainly not the worst.

    Pros: Good animation
    Simple gameplay
    Decent rewards
    Great character designs

    Cons:Story(Not the greatest)
    Translations(Not the best hard to make out)
    Cash shop ( too many things to buy )

    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for liking our game. We will also solve the problems to give players a good gaming experience.
  • Nice game

    I like the how developers actually care about the people who play there game and I have been enjoying there game so far, this game is fun

    Developer Response

    The problem has been fixed. You can try again. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • Hard crashing issue has been fixed.

    To the dev team, thank you for such a speedy and quick patch. I learned that the crash was- in fact from app still needing to download additional content. I’m guessing that’s why many others were having this problem. I didn’t see it at first because the icon for it was very small, almost transparent, and put in the upper left corner where my player info is. May I suggest moving that icon so people can see it better? Even a advisory screen to let players know that the game can crash if not all the info is downloaded would be a BIG help. I’m going to rate this game a 3 still. Even though the gameplay is enjoyable. The crash issue caused me to miss out on the first of the 7 day missions for Aphrodite, and now i’m behind on the score to unlock her pieces and I don’t think i’ll be able to fill up the entire score bar.

    Developer Response

    The problem has been fixed and you can try again. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you encounter other problems later, you can also consult at any time. I wish you a happy game.
  • Crashing- working now pretty fun

    The game looks good but unfortunately it’s unplayable at the moment. I hope it’s fixed soon!

    Update- the game ain’t crashing anymore and I’ve already put serval hours into it lol, I like how quick you can progress without dropping money

    Developer Response

    The problem has been fixed. You can try again. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • The Beginning

    Pretty interesting so far. I hope you can keep it going
  • Good, but…

    To the Players. Great bit of graphic fun, but this too different from the rest of the genre.

    To the Devs: Please fix the aspect ration for IPad xx ….the team is ready, the gear updated the location picked….then the camera zooms in so far that you can see half the battle!
  • UNPLAYABLE!! Needs a patch quick!!

    So much potential. Nothing works, played for 5 - 10 mins and the game has crashed or frozen at least 5 times! Every menu you try to enter crashes the game. Also you can only see one of your heros in a fight because the camera angle is HORRIBLE! I can’t even get through the first chapter. Please devs fix asap I would love to try it more. Also does not seem finished, obviously pushed out to fast grab cash but you can’t even play the game, you do not log in to any specific account (google,apple or even as a guest) so how do I know my game data is secure? Hopefully this gets fixed asap.
    Other than that it looks exactly like the ads said it would so huge plus! Full fan service, wish the game worked.

    Developer Response

    The problem has been fixed and you can try again. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you encounter other problems later, you can also consult at any time. I wish you a happy game.
  • Nice

    Whts the point on having the puzzle system just for summoning keys. There could have been better options than having that. I don’t mind doing it but after awhile it gets boring 🥱 I’m focused on playing the game and skipping the puzzle really not trying to kill my phone battery. Plus y’all need to fix the puzzle in a better way

    Developer Response

    More gameplay and functions will be launched in the future. We can look forward to it together.
  • Almost perfect

    So far so good, my only complaint so far is from not having the option to auto play. During battle sequences it’s mundane to continually have to click “start battle”
  • Definitely has potential


    Gorgeous art and animations
    UI is clean and easy to navigate
    Story is entertaining


    Battery heat is a huge problem, gets VERY hot after just a few minutes
    Lots of freezing, glitches, and crashing

    I really hope they fix these things because like I said, I definitely see potential here. It just needs some tweaking. Thank you!

    Developer Response

    The problem has been fixed and you can try again. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you encounter other problems later, you can also consult at any time. I wish you a happy game.