Whether it's short or long-term, last-minute or planned, find trusted childcare at licensed daycares, preschools, camps, and more. Affordable, reliable, and designed with parents in mind. Reliable care at your fingertips means instant peace of mind. Because when it comes to childcare, we understand - we're parents too.
Why DaisyCare?
Fast and Easy: Search and discover from DaisyCare’s network of licensed programs. Book childcare instantly, even for last-minute needs.
Flexible: Make your own schedules, whether it be daily or weekly drop-ins, school break camps, parent’s night out, or part-time or full-time long-term care.
Safe and Quality: Children are cared for by licensed professionals in secure environments. A safer alternative compared to last-minute babysitters or random individuals.
Affordable: Significantly more cost-effective than hiring a nanny or babysitter. Many daycares accept childcare subsidies. Payment eligible for DCFSA.
Hassle-free Payment: Book and pay directly and securely in app.
Direct Communication: Contact and message providers, right from the app. Receive messages and photo updates of your child from providers when you're on the go.
For providers, it’s never been easier to DaisyCare your childcare programs.
Effortless Setup: Our intuitive platform makes it easy to list your childcare services and manage bookings.
No More Paperwork: We handle all the licensing paperwork and share with you. Meet compliance without doing the work
Dedicated Support: Our Community Support team who are ready to assist you with any questions or concerns, just one phone call or email away.
Enable Push Notifications: To respond faster than ever to booking requests.
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