User Reviews: TDS

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Good game

    I hate the coins reset every level. They should carry over so you don’t have to watch ads to start. Cool game though
  • Awesome game

    I’m already hooked to it and I can play this game for hours without getting bored a good tower defense game
  • Forced Ads

    Forced ads after a short beginning period without them. No option to permanently remove ads. Fun enough game, but forced ads are always a deal breaker
  • $$$ forced adds

    I was going to pay the $9.99 for the times two rewards and no ads. I thought it was a great value until I saw that it was every 30 days. The game is not fun enough to pay a $10 subscription to remove ads.
  • Forced ads

    In a game like this where you’re bombarded with ways to pay real money or watch chosen ads for in-game currency, there should be no forced ads. Not worth wasting your time on.
  • Good, but…

    I like it so far but why give money and stuff at the end of the level if you can’t use it? Every time I complete a level, I get money at the end and immediately get transferred to another level, but I get started off with zero coins.. I just wish we got to keep the coins in the next level, especially because each level it gets harder and harder to buy stuff and defend yourself. Or, at least get to switch between the levels and them be connected and impact each other in sometime of way. Also, the ads are a bit much..
  • Forced ads ruined a really good game

    This game is a lot of fun, unfortunately the forced ads that start on level 2 (right after they get you hooked) took all the wind out of its sails. I don’t mind ads when I can watch them for bonuses—In fact I always click on the ads when there’s a bonus at the end. If there’s an update that removes them, I’d bump it up to a solid 4 star game.
  • Boring

    Whack. I don’t like that you have to start all over on every level after all of the work you did in the previous level. it makes the game boring just started playing and already I’m deleting one star it was OK. The game plays cool but too much work for each level and it makes the game drag and it’s boring.
  • Last update ruined the game

    The last update added new weapons, which seemed good at first but actually ruined the game. Some weapons are objectively better than others and you receive the upgrade materials for them randomly, so you can’t choose which ones to improve. The bigger issue is that on every level, the game randomly gives you three weapons that you are able to use. If you get stuck with three bad weapons or ones that you have not been able to upgrade, then getting through the level takes insanely longer than when you get access to the good weapons and it kills the pacing. Please add the option to select which weapons you have available on a level and I will edit this review. The actual loop of the game is pretty fun despite how simple it is and I would like to play it more but in its current state it requires too much grinding on some levels.
  • Horrible game

    Everything resets after you beat each “area” it’s so dumb instead of letting you make an insane tower you just restart

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