User Reviews: Magibook

Top reviews

  • Great for everyone

    It’s nice to read books as they were written but this expands accessibility to classics to many more people, like younger and ambitious readers or readers for whom English is their second language
  • A Must-Have App for Readers

    I’m a teacher, and Magibook has been a game-changer for my students.

    Some of them find certain books tough to read, but with this app, they can adjust the language to fit their level. Just the other, we tackled Les Miserables, and everyone could keep up and enjoy it.

    Magibook has made reading fun and less intimidating for my class. I highly recommend it!

    Looking forwards to upcoming updates and more books!
  • Great 👍

    Finally I’m able to read and better understand complicated books
  • reading again for the first time

    as someone that read voraciously as a kid, digging into really meaty and complex books with a tired mind has never worked for me. being able to toggle away from typically dense and outdated readings to something more digestible has been a major gamechanger for me. use the app daily now!
  • Excellent AI reading tool!

    This is an excellent reading tool, powered by AI. Choose the original text in all its glory, or chose various levels of simplification, to assist with comprehension and speedier reading. What an awesome concept! Ignore the haters, this is how books will be read in the future. This is an early release, so there is a lot of room for improvement. The potential is huge. Keep up the great work, and keep developing the app!

    Developer Response

    Thank you! We appreciate you feedback, and we are continuing to develop it. More to come soon!
  • Now my wife can easily learn more English!

    My wife is French and knows a good amount of English, but language learning apps just aren’t good enough past a certain point. This allows her to read books in English and learn though immersion while enjoying classic stories. I recommend to any one trying to improve there English comprehension!

    Developer Response

    Thanks for sharing! We love to hear stories like this, we hope your wife can find value in our app, because we have a lot of new features on the way that we believe will offer much more value! stay tuned!
  • Maybe I’ll actually read now …

    I never leave reviews, but this app intrigued me and has surpassed expectations.

    I am someone who struggles to read. Trying to comprehend what I’m reading is distracting, and I end up losing track and giving up. I haven’t read a book since I was in elementary school for this reason. It was always a struggle for me. I never even thought to attempt the classics…knowing how clever the wording was.

    This app has made it simple enough where I can pay attention and still be able to say I read the book. It gives me an opportunity I didn’t previously have.

    So many people are hating, but that’s because they don’t see the bigger picture. EVERYONE deserves a chance to read whatever book they like. And this app is the key to unlocking that possibility.

    The only reason I gave it 4 stars is because there is a limited amount of options. Ideally I’d like to see thousands of books, not just classics. All genres, all age groups, big and small authors. This app has so much potential and I am excited to see it blow up.

    You should seriously go on shark tank and get some huge backing to make a software like never before. I’d invest in it.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your kind review! We designed this app specifically to make books accessible to everyone who has a genuine interest. We completely agree with your statement about books and features! I wish we could show you everything we have coming in the pipeline. We definitely have some cool stuff in the works. We should be pushing out an update today or tomorrow in which we will double our book collection, and we hope to conitnue doing this indefinitely. The aim is to have as many books as possible!
  • Why did they launch this?

    This app has only 9 books to choose from. 😳 I assumed it would allow the upload of any pre copyright text (for instance, from Project Gutenberg), but not so. Maybe they intend to get there. In the meantime, this seems like a premature launch and waste of time.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your review. We are slowly curating books to ensure quality, and have grown our library to over 65 books & more to come. We will also soon add a feature in which you will be able to request/ add books. We would love for you to give us another try and stay tuned for more updates! Early days. If you would like us to add a book of your choice please reach out!
  • The contents aren’t even good

    I was painfully curious so I downloaded the app and checked it out. First, there’s only 10 entries on the app (these things are no longer books). The writing is simplified, and it’s also horrible. There are typos, poor grammar, and most sentences are incomplete because they lack the basic building blocks of a sentence.

    To call this an educational tool is disgusting. This is nothing but thievery and laziness. To twist the original authors words so much and claim it as educational is abhorrent.

    This app should never be on the App Store. The fact that Apple allows slop like this is pathetic and embarrassing
  • Unlearn your ableism before getting this app

    Seriously, SO MANY of the posts on social media and these two reviews are based on the premise that this app is “dumbing down” literature. First off, READ the text in the first preview image. For folks who claim to be so “educated”, it’s very evident that you’re viewing this app through a reactionary lens of moral outrage that’s really just ableism masquerading as some twisted sense of undeserved “superiority”. It is very evident that this isn’t for the average person who can read the classics and learned to analyze them, it is meant for people, including educators and the intellectually disabled. This is clear from the start. This is NOT about the “idiocracy” (God help you all who use the same exact movie reference to denigrate anything that you don’t like) this is about ACCESSIBILITY. Accessibility is literally what disabled people lack on a regular basis and those who are intellectually disabled deserve opportunities to learn. Given how new this service is, this is actually a necessary use case to accommodate intellectually disabled and neurodivergent people, as well as those who suffer from functional illiteracy.

    My main criticism of this app is in the AI implementation. But note that, at the moment that I’m writing this review, it is a free app and I’m hoping that the AI implementation can be a bit better as, currently, the syntax seems to be the main issue. There are times when subsequent sentences don’t really match in terms of context. I think that using more complex large language models for better and more appropriate diction could improve this and, given the cost and potential value, I would see this as a potentially valuable paid service. I would also suggest the author to collect expert opinions from literary scholars, disability advocates, and childhood education specialists who can confirm this app’s value. If such reviews already exist, I would suggest to the author that they add this information to their website and their App Store description.

    Developer Response

    Thank you for your review and understanding of our app's mission. The App is currently in it's very early stages of development. We have major updates coming soon including the addition of more book titles, much more features and improved accuracy. We hope you will stick around for the journey !