User Reviews: Shooter Train

Shooter Train
Shooter Train

Top reviews

  • STILL Glitchy! Glitchy!

    Wrote the original review about 2 months ago.. I came back to play and was happy to see an attempt to fix the glitches with updates. The latter is the good news, the bad news is that this game it is still UNPLAYABLE!

    I’ll check back again but it’s clear the developers don’t really care enough to fix this.. Maybe another developer will create a game like this without all of the current faults..

    Fun game with a unique twist on TD games. That’s the good news.. The bad news is that it extremely glitchy that makes the game unplayable. If the glitches are fix and the developers put some time into making this game successful I see no reason why this game wouldn’t be a fan favorite among TD enthusiasts. In any event, at the bare minimum the glitches need to be fixed just to play the game! If the latter isn’t done it should be removed from the App Store.
  • Update did not fix it

    The update did not fix it after you get to a certain round the trains just don’t shoot the zombies. Please fix an update.
  • Still glitchy

    Game is fun, but it’s literally unplayable with some glitches like the one where no zombies spawn at all on some stages
  • Fix level where zombies are not coming in

    So on one of the levels that you get to the zombies stop coming in and so you cannot get to the next level that needs to be fixed
  • Glitchy! Glitchy!

    Fun game with a unique twist on TD games. That’s the good news.. The bad news is that it extremely glitchy that makes the game unplayable. If the glitches are fix and the developers put some time into making this game successful I see no reason why this game wouldn’t be a fan favorite among TD enthusiasts. In any event, at the bare minimum the glitches need to be fixed just to play the game! If the latter isn’t done it should be removed from the App Store.