Since a mysterious force sealed off the town, numerous residents have disappeared one after another, leaving the entire town like a forgotten island. Shrouded in this mysterious mist, the townsfolk live in fear and unease, each day worrying about who will vanish next...
Hubert, a robot from the Association of Mystics, is dispatched to rescue the troubled town. He bears the heavy responsibility of uncovering the truth behind the mist and represents the town's only hope. Embarking on an adventure into the depths of the fog, he aims to rescue the missing residents from the abyss of fear.
During his exploration, Hubert discovers secrets hidden deep within the caves. The caves exude a mysterious aura, seeming like a gateway to another world... He must overcome numerous obstacles, traversing the mist and the caves, to find those trapped in the darkness. Each step forward signifies more challenges and tests.
The legend of Cthulhu also permeates this misty realm, and Hubert senses an intangible fear. He knows that only by unraveling the truth behind the mist can he eliminate this unsettling source. Therefore, fearlessly, he continues onward, weaving courage and wisdom together to bring hope and light to the lost town.
"Escape from Mist Town" is not just a puzzle-solving journey but also an exploration of survival and meaning. Under the shroud of mist, people face constant threats of disappearance and confinement, yet they demonstrate unwavering resilience. Hubert, at the center of it all, with his bravery and determination, will determine the fate of the town.
In the mysterious world of Mist Town, Hubert becomes the sole beacon of survival...
This is a memory game where you play as Hubert, continuously exploring the map, searching for clues. With astonishingly strong memory, discern a variety of colorful images, temporarily remember them, and find their matches.
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