User Reviews: Hit or Stand

Hit or Stand
Hit or Stand

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Complete Waste of Time.

    I played exactly 25 games of blackjack and the dealer busted ZERO TIMES. Not only is that ridiculous, it’s mathematically impossible. Of the 25 hands, the dealer ended up with 21 on 9 occasions, also mathematically impossible. Dealer wins on average 49% of the time in the real world. Today the dealer won 20 out of 25, so 80%.

    Of all of the scam games, this one undoubtedly takes the cake as the biggest fraud, and thats saying a lot. The ads are so misleading that I’m not sure how they get away with it legally.

    Rest assured any money put into game will be lost forever. They have insured they will never pay out. Games like this give the industry a bad name. Games like this advertise a bunch, defraud as many as they can, and then they fold up shop and look for the next scam.
  • I’m deleting the app

    I thought this was one of those bad “win Beau coup money” and so I finally downloaded it. The advertisement does say, you will win the big jackpot in the first 10 minutes or else, delete the game. I didn’t win any jackpot. The most I won is SC 5 ( in game currency which can be traded for real $$$ after you have SC 20). The big jackpot never happened and you have to spend SC 1 each spin. Oh yeah, it’s a slots game—another thing they don’t mention. The advertisement says it’s a Blackjack game. (The game is called Blackjack 21 hit or stand, so, hmmm…)

    But I am deleting the app. I feel like they lied about a number of things. Don’t be drawn in.
  • Ok

    So they calm on ads you could be cashing out thousands every month. Well I guess this game doesn’t like me at all. Never won anything big usually lose even with all the money I’ve put into it. I’ve only been able to cash out total of $75 in past 3 or more months playing. I’m a bit disappointed cause it pays out quick and it’s a ton of fun but wins aren’t there for me and they don’t give me enough to play with. Deposits have stopped because I got laid off and have nothing extra!!!
  • This is a continuation of the Go Go Gold game

    If this is anything like the sister go go gold game, then count me in. I’ve won over $1000 on the other game and they instantly deposited it into my PayPal account.
  • Lies

    You don’t win anything but Pennie’s on the dollar and they constantly ask you to top up as they put it but didn’t they say you don’t have to do it the free money is only 3 bucks his in sec can’t even play for 10 min now wait for the 30 cents I get tomorrow to play a bc spin on a slot machine ya waist of time
  • Double Ad

    Why does this ad that is about GOGO GOLD a cash slots game wind up being Hit or Stand when u hit the download button? I’ve seen at least 3 ads that are exactly the same. I looked up GOGO Gold in the Appand Store. It’s NOT THERE. I had previously downloaded GoGo Gold and deleted it.
  • Hit or Stand

    This game is fun so far. I have only played a few rounds, but it seems enjoyable. I don’t know about payouts or anything yet. I haven’t gotten there yet.
  • Disappointed

    I’ve been playing this game for over a week and nothing. It won’t even let me cash out until you reach $25… and it lets you win just enough to get up to $24 and then, bam! You start to lose all your money conveniently… then you have to pay for a packet, which again, won’t let you win over $24 and the process starts all over again! So, another game I’ll be deleting… again…
    Plus, I never received the the $100 sign up bonus!
  • Games

    I have downloaded many of these games and never win anything im so tired of not winning even when i put money in it im always not wining saids after 5-10 try you will win at least 100 and its a like a scam im so sorry but i like my games and sometimes these games are very much lies i been trying to play games for the last month to help me with my bills hopefully im so tired of the scams
  • Real money

    Just started playing, it’s fun. Only time will tell how much money can be won.