Infinity Nikki is the fifth installment in the beloved Nikki series developed by Infold Games. Utilizing the UE5 engine, this multi-platform game seamlessly blends the series' signature dress-up mechanics with open-world exploration elements. It also offers platforming, puzzle-solving, and many other gameplay elements to create a unique and rich experience.
In this game, Nikki and Momo embark on a new adventure, traveling across the fantastic nations of Miraland, each with its own unique culture and environment. Players will encounter many characters and whimsical creatures while collecting stunning outfits of various styles. Some of these outfits possess magical abilities essential for progressing through the story.
Bright and fantasy-filled open world
The world of Infinity Nikki offers a refreshing escape from traditional apocalyptic landscapes. It's bright, whimsical, and filled with magical creatures. Wander through this wonderful land and explore the beauty and charm around every corner.
Exceptional clothing design and dress-up experience
Express your style with an extensive collection of beautifully designed outfits, some of which even grant unique abilities. From floating and purifying to gliding and shrinking, these outfits unlock exciting new ways to explore the world and overcome challenges. Each outfit enriches your journey, letting you mix and match for the perfect look.
Platforming with endless fun
In this vast, fantastic world, master skills like floating, running, and plunging to freely explore the land and tackle intricately designed puzzles and challenges. The joy of 3D platforming is seamlessly integrated into the game's open-world exploration. Each scene is vibrant and charming—from soaring paper cranes, speeding wine cellar carts, mysterious ghost trains—so many hidden secrets await discovery!
Cozy sim activities and casual fun
Relax with activities like fishing, bug catching, or grooming animals. Everything Nikki collects on her journey helps craft new outfits. Whether you're in a meadow or by a river, there's a great chance that you'll encounter enchanting creatures that bring a sense of peace and immersion.
Diverse puzzles and mini-games
Infinity Nikki is filled with activities that challenge both wit and skill. Traverse scenic paths, enjoy a hot air balloon ride, complete platforming puzzles, or even play a hopscotch mini-game. These elements add variety and depth, ensuring every moment remains fresh and engaging.
Thank you for your interest in Infinity Nikki. We look forward to meeting you in Miraland!
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I love the Nikki franchise and I was so excited for the game. But when I started i was lagging so much to the point I would get kicked out about every 3 minutes. It seems like no one else Is having this problem thought because after all these new updates I can’t even get into the game. I will get to the loading screen and then I will get to the cutscene and it will shut the game off. Which is really sad because I was so exited for all these events that I can’t get to. If you are a developer I love the game from what I got to experience but I would really appreciate if you would please consider working on this issue so I can play I can give you more information if you respond. Please respond. Thank you and great job so far. Update the wish onvoy scene still can’t in so frustrating making me really dislike the game. I would highly suggest just play shining Nikki instead. But again if you guys could fix this for me I would greatly appreciate