User Reviews: NovelShort


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  • Don’t Download

    You have to pay for all the stories you can read one page until you have to pay and it’s not even worth it ? It’s literally ai made books.
  • read!!

    Please don’t waste your time downloading this app. Like all of the other reviews are saying, it’s pointless. The creators of the app are literally just money-hungry. They want you to pay 15 dollars for only 3 days? I’ve seen better story apps with better prices and actual authors. A lot of these books seem AI-generated.
  • False advertising

    I kept coming across adds and videos and while not super well written I was intrigued enough to download when I kept seeing “free”. Only “free” for the same thing you read/heard in the add then 15$ for 3 days, 20$ for 7 or 50$ for a month, etc. There are other similar apps with much better pricing alternatives. I have 20+ book apps/subscriptions and this is the first I’m uninstalling with no hesitation. Don’t waste your time.
  • Pay for what

    I came from Tik Tok hoping to finish the last parts of a video that I saw. Only two little pages that you can read and then you have to pay 15 dollars for only 3 days. This is honestly not an app I would ever download again.
  • Can’t finish one story without paying

    All of the stories are Ai I’ve seen a couple other reviewer's say they also found a story on TikTok. I did as well. The stories are behind a paywall and the only option is to pay $15 for all of the stories. There is no option to buy only one, or have advertisements. (There is a few free stories however it seems to have very few). As well, all of the stories feel like they’ve been written by ai. All of the “authors” have different usernames, and there are no popular authors that I can see. As well you are not able to go to an online authors page or account to see their other works. Which is uncommon for a reading platform. All of the titles as well are long and describe the story directly. There does not seem to be a comment section, or way to review the stories on the site. And despite being advertised loosely as unpublished personal and fictional stories (ie reddit, wattpad, ao3) there seems to be no way to actually post your own story. Which begs the question, where are these stories from? The app also has a Chinese language option. Maybe the Chinese stories are all written. I’m not able to read Chinese so I don’t know. The stories may be translated. But I doubt it. It would explain the why the titles read very literally but the stories when I switched languages had different covers and themes. Anyone thinking about buying this app should save their money. If you want to read ai stories ChatGPT is free right now. Not to mention the several apps with stories written and edited by real people. If you want to read similar short stories written by real people download kindle, wattpad, Reddit, or ao3 (only available as a website). All of which offer free stories.
  • Don’t download

    Don’t bother downloading the app if you saw a story on TikTok. Clearly click bait for $15 to finish a bad story
  • Money grabber

    You have to pay to continue reading, it’s nothing but cash grab, like the plots are so what a genuinely interesting but u have to pay insane prices just to continue reading!
  • Pay to read and no other option

    I saw a TikTok video of two parts of a whole story. I download this app, hoping I could read the rest of the single thing. I was interested from all of this page and to my surprise it ends right where the video ended. I can’t look at anything else because I need to pay 15 or $20 and maybe even a VIP ticket. I didn’t read anything because I was so done that I had to download the stupid app just to read what I had already listened to on TikTok and wasn’t allowed to watch a video for the chapter it was left on, you have to buy it. You have to buy a ticket or a VIP pass or spend $15 for the rest of the story which is absolutely nonsense and not even on TikTok can you post the third part of the whole story because it’s copyrighted and in my opinion, it might be all ai generated.
  • Cant read unless you pay

    If ur coming from tiktok dont bother you have to pay to get the rest of the story youll only get what you did on the video. 15 bucks to keep going.
  • A Good Book Gone Bad

    This is a disgrace to legitimate authors everywhere! I will not waste any more of my time on this. You had me on a good book and you spoiled it by demanding to extort readers. No thanks!