User Reviews: Bacon's Revenge

Bacon's Revenge
Bacon's Revenge
Hong Kong CloudOcean Star Technology Limited

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Okay game has potential

    I originally gave this game a 3 star but that was before getting into it, it’s really quite sad how ad drivin this game is. You can’t get hardly any backpack space without watching ad after ad, I literally had to watch 7 ads just to get full backpack space just to beat a level I was stuck at. And there not short ads atleast a min long or more… very sad to see… and the fishing event is a joke more then half the time the button doesn’t work so the fish gets away or it gets stuck and the line breaks. Nothing is seaming to work the way you want it to stop rushing new stuff and fix the problems you have now instead of adding new ones.

    Developer Response

    Dear Avenger, we are sorry for any inconvenience if we caused. Sadly, the ads' time cannot be controlled by us. But we will note and report your valuable advice to our team to make our game better. Have a nice day!
  • Fun until levels just become impossible

    Ive been loving this game besides the unbelievable amount of ads required to watch in order to win, but once you reach level 26, it becomes a lag machine game and it starts to bug out, making it unplayable endgame. Really disappointed this is how it turned out.
  • Missing key components to be an awesome game

    I like this game, don’t get me wrong but it’s missing a few core mechanics of this type of game that would really set it apart from the rest.

    The first being that it’s almost impossible to progress without watching ads. Now I don’t mind ads but it’s gotten to the point where one good run might have me watch almost 10 ads. (It costs an ad to get any decent sized backpack tile which is literally how you progress a stage and become stronger at all) And I wouldn’t feel bad paying for it to be ad free, but it seems almost impossible to play the game without spending more time watching ads.

    This game is a bit rough around the edges which is why I’m probably talking to no one but hopefully someone thinks to ADD A LOCK ITEM FEATURE FOR BASIC GAMEPLAY (pay 5 silver coins to keep an item in rotation, it would make the game much easier but less rng on wether or not you win). Adding this would make the gameplay loop even more addictive because you can strategize your merges a lot easier.

    Also I don’t know if it’s because I’m in the US but everything has a like .1 second delay that’s super annoying.

    This game really could do something with a little bit of care from the devs. I personally have had a blast playing it and would invest even more if a few frustrations were removed.
  • Very Good Game

    I’ve been playing this game for a while now and I find it really good and entertaining with all the difficulty of the levels and the different bosses.

    To this, I have to add something that annoys me. To get spaces for the bag is needed to watch ads every time over and over. But for this reason only I’m not taking back my calcification of 5 stars, cause I think this is a really good and innovative mobile game.
  • Good for what it is.

    It’s a cute game that doesn’t force ads on you. What more can you ask for in a casual little mobile game? It’s not perfect tho. The English translations are a bit wonky and hard to understand sometimes, it’s missing some quality of life features, and I wouldn’t say there’s much in the way of diversity in the gameplay, but all in it’s good for what it is.

    That said, dev team, you need to add a mass removal feature for gear. Removing the pieces I don’t want one by one to farm forging stones is terrible.
  • Crashing issue

    Downloaded yesterday and played for a few hours, went to get on today and everytime the game attempts to load To home it crashes, hope it’s fixed soon cause it’s a pretty fun game
  • Poorly cash shop

    I click add free and it brings me to a shop with 2 passes. I buy the cheaper one because all I care about is ad free. Immediate ad. I check the more expensive one is the only ad free one. Dumb.

    Also, worst draw mechanic ever. Miss the pull you want, want another chance for premium currency, sure . But forcing one draw at a time and putting the spend premium button in the same spot, has caused me to rapid accidental click into spending premium currency multiple times.

    Developer Response

    Dear Avenger, we are sorry for any inconvenience if we caused. You can check the right of each monthly pass and choose which one you want to buy. We will note and report your valuable advice to our team to make our game better. Have a nice day!
  • Good game but…

    I was really enjoying the game and was even ok with the ads to increase bag space…until I hit the 5th level. The difficulty ramped up significantly while the bag space upgrades chances dropped. So there was no way to increase bag size to get more weapons to defeat the monsters. I am not willing to pay to win and the grind is no longer fun so I will be deleting the game.
  • Pay to win

    Very slooooow grind unless you pay to win. Once you get to level 4 there’s a huge ramp in difficulty. I had a full bag with almost every weapon maxed, plus shield and health. I had my items leveled to around 8 or 9 each. I had mostly purple and gold upgrades during the waves and still I kept getting destroyed in wave 20. Unless you pay money to buy a lot of upgrades. Or have the patience to endlessly grind this game is not enjoyable. Uninstalling
  • Good game but

    After the 4th world just feels like you hit a wall, I went through the first 4 taking minimal damage and then the 5th I’m lucky if I can get past the 7th wave. Feels like the enemies were dialed up drastically considering snakes were easy to beat in 4th world and now takes almost every weapon I have in my bag to get them.