User Reviews: Trainer Fortress

Trainer Fortress
Trainer Fortress
Guangzhou Mengshan Technology Co., Ltd.

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Very well made with lots to do.

    Honestly it’s a really good phone game. Got enough to do to keep you busy and always re-visit areas. The leveling up system can be a little overwhelming but once you get used to it and how to navigate it can go pretty in depth. Overall a great game yo kill time and show off your team and if you’re a pokemon lover you should enjoy this.
  • Not great not terrible

    The game is very grindy which is nice if that’s your thing but like all games with CP ratings it gets hard very quickly and there aren’t many other things to do other than redo missions which can be raided essentially. More ways to draw would be nice as it seems completing chapter missions is the only way to slowly way to grow your amt of pkmn
  • It’s not that bad

    It's honestly lots of fun! I'd love to see more additional Pokémon be added soon! I'm a bit biased and would love to see ChimChar be added to the game soon! It's decently addicting and it's enjoyable to collect the little guys and evolve them etc. If you enjoy grinding and collecting (with the addition of being a Pokémon lover) l'd say this game is perfect for you.
    There's alot to do so it may be over complex just by the look of the main screen but it's pretty straight forward to adapt to. My only struggle would be loss of stamina but it's nice that you can buy it up to four times a day with the addition of getting Addons to replenish. It's been fun and I expect great things to come!
  • More than I was expecting

    As the title states, this game has a lot more than what I was anticipating. Seems you can get pretty deep with team construction, type advantages, gear, positioning etc. So far having a great time with it, will depend on how dependent on micro-transactions it is to get a near top level team.
  • Honest Opinion

    It’s not bad, I actually enjoy the animation especially for the ultimate moves. I wish Nintendo would take notes. I wish though it didn’t take nearly as much grinding but it isn’t pay to win and enjoy it without any money spent so the grind feels worth
  • Good game

    Honestly, usually phone games feel like a money grab. You obviously can hash out some cash for quicker progress, but I have been enjoying the game so far. Animations are good, play is good. Pleasantly surprised.
  • Great game

    This is a really fun game to pass the time and it doesn’t even require you to spend any money to get up high on combat power. Just takes a little time
  • Solid Pokémon Title

    It’s actually a solid game! You aren’t constantly locked behind a pay wall. They have every generation including gen 1 Pokémon, which is huge for me as I was a fan since the late 1990’s when it first came out. The content is pretty vast with plenty to do. Everything you need can be earned in game, rather than constantly having to buy things.

    I will however say that you do get to the point where you have to wait for a few hours - upwards of several - till the next day on occasion if you are F2P because you’ll get stuck. Other than that though the game is great.
  • I became the number one player in the world

    You see that right, as of the time I’m writing this comment I am the number one player of this game in the world. I’m not joking or exaggerating, it’s a very fun game, and very rewarding
  • Haven’t stopped playing

    I downloaded because my husband wouldn’t stop playing but now I’m fully addicted!! I love the battling concept and having tasks to do to get rewards keeps me going.