Unique Community!
app host Stella Scott, The Queen Coach.
I’m going to tangent here for a moment. Anyone interested in exploring their relationship with
clothing and its impact on our planet earth should get in touch with Stella. The course is truly
awesome and changed my whole outlook on what and how I wear clothes. My attire is nearly 100%
from thrift/charity/vintage stores now, and I love that I am making a positive impact on the
But I digress. Back to Cosmic Strategies.
I am excited to have a social app that is not just the same old mold, one that offers something
different. There’s a little “Woo.” There’s a little “Wow!” There is some “Whoa” – in a good way!
This app feels like a place where SOULS to come together, not just the outer shells of people. I feel
enlightened and transformed in here.
Did I mention that you can even listen to Stella sing opera in this app? Beautifully, I might add.
Calling this a social app or hub does it a disservice. As it evolves and more people discover it, it will be more of a community. A sisterhood.
I’m looking forward to seeing how it grows.