User Reviews: Pin Out Master

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • almost good

    this was a good game and I thoroughly enjoyed it until it got to be ridiculously hard to pull a pin that didn’t hit something else that you couldn’t really see that stopped it from being removed. It was frustrating enough that I had to remove the game.

    After about level 10, there’s 10-15, or more ads per level. Way too much time wasted watching ads, compared to the limited amount of gameplay!
  • Great game, but has a major problem!

    Game has played smoothly all the way to level 170- there is a major glitch in this game and no way to get around it or through it. It involves the lower two green pins that need to flow upward- all other pins in same configuration are easily removed, but these won’t budge, even though path is cleared- unless this get fixed, will have no choice but to dump the game and find something else to play
  • Patches

    EXCELLENT game. It can be VERY challenging at times with the tins interlaced. At times it can be easier. It makes you think & challenges your ability to untangle it!
  • Too soon

    Give me time. Tell me how am I doing
  • Bad ads

    Game is fun. Ads are not. Too many interruptions during the game. Worst is the lawyers ad. It literally dies and that is it.
  • AWESOME!!!

    I’m at Level 15 just after three (3) days from downloading!! I did have to “restart” one level twice and having only “one” move left in order to have won, which I did!! I absolutely love this game!!! This is now “one” of my favorite games to play!!
  • Challenging FUN!

    love it! so much fun & challenging!! Great comp!!
  • Multiple interruptions each round.

    I get very involved in a puzzle, and have to stop to wait for it to award points, or something. That should wait until the end of a puzzle. It’s too much of an interruption while playing.
  • Interesting game buuuuut….

    One thing is killing me…

    Pure white background is killing my eyes while trying to look for pieces that can be pulled out.

    PLEASE darken the background! Try to play this in the dark….