User Reviews: Maple Tale

Maple Tale
Maple Tale

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • All around bad experience.

    Everything said about this app is true. But the thing I hate the most is that I do not want to make an account for such an untrusted game. Oh and why do you need me to agree to the terms of allowing you access to so many of my phones data?? Yeah I read the entire thing. You’re not having anything. I’ve uninstalled immediately. You might as well delete your game unless you like racking up bad reviews and ratings because the adverts are not only misleading but you’re obviously a bad corrupt team.
  • Potential to be something bigger

    I genuinely see a lot of hope for this game, I think it just needs a fee quality of life adjustments as well as a more interesting concept to fighting. I think more can be added in the future as well.

    One thing I noticed is that some text don't even fit into the text box and that there is a little to no aspect of a story to follow, which kind of ruins the immersion of the game. I also keep getting alerts about certain sounds not being able to used and that I have to go to the website domain, I don't really know what that means.

    I also was supposed to get a skin or outfit of some sort that I never got because I pre-ordered the game, I don't know if anyone else is experiencing that.

    Other than that I believe there is so much more that this game can do to make it more successful than it already is and i'm willing to stick by it for the long end.
  • Buggy

    For the first few days I couldn’t even get into the app. Now that I can it seems fun but every few seconds I get alerts about the sound format and not everything is done and polished. I signed up for preorder a month ago so I expected a more finished product at launch but I will keep the game and hopefully it gets updated with time.
  • Incredible!

    I love this game! I was already a fan of past maple games but this one really drove it in. I love being able to turn my see my progress increase and the rewards are the cherry ok top! 5/5 would grind again.
  • Bugs but Potential

    There are bugs in the game. Luckily I can open and log into the game to play. It has a nice art style and it’s very nostalgic of a certain infamous mmorpg back in the day. With a few improvements to UI/UX like text formatting, and QoL additions like the ability to drop or sell unused consumables, the game could be pretty decent. It’s playable but not a stellar experience.
  • Not Working Properly

    So the game finally loaded after being unplayable with some weird error message. That error message still appeared but then the game loaded. It is very glitchy and there was another weird error message that pops up now about the sound. I deleted it again because it also started overheating my phone. It looks like it might be a fun game if they can work out all of the bugs. I will check back later to see if it has been fixed.🤷🏼‍♀️
  • Poorly coded

    I understand what the game was going for, but overall you get completely taken out of it because of how poorly the game is coded. Everyone you log in there is an error about the global line, specific sounds won’t play and alert a pop up saying it is unable to be played as it only support wap or another file type and to visit the website without any direct link. This would be a continuous annoyance for every level up, every open chest, and some other daily actions. The gameplay is not nearly fun enough to overlook these issues either
  • Cute, In Progress

    While there are some UI bugs (a sound setting pop-up won’t stop popping up even after multiple dismissals), the art is cute and the music is catchy!
  • Seems fun but constant error

    Game seems like it could be fun to play, but every time I complete a quest, it tries to play a sound, but whenever that sound is played it pops up and error for audio that Isn’t supported or smth. It’s very annoying as it happens EVERY time I complete a quest. Hopefully this’ll get fixed soon as I’d like to enjoy the game.
  • Won’t initiate

    Error after login. Have deleted and re-installed but error remains. I will modify rating after correction/patch.

    Update. I have updated the game to three stars as now it is able to work. However, now pop up notices regarding sound errors persist. Rate of sound error notification is 17 per min and requires your acknowledgment before allowing you to resume game play. There are no options that are available in settings menu to address this issue. Turning off sounds effects and music or one vs the other do not prevent pop up. I will modify my rating after correction/patch. To be clear I am unable to offer a genuine review and my 3 stars should be interpreted as a neutral value only.