User Reviews: Swype

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Lots of potential

    This is a good idea. There’s an issue though where i get an email from the company that gives me an application security code, but I don’t know where to enter it. Because if that many of my applications are never verified and thus aren’t considered

    Developer Response

    we are working on this problem and we're close to implementing a solution.
  • I got an interview

    At first I couldn’t believe that this would be a viable job hunting approach, but after I swiped for a week I got an interview for a software engineering internship

    Developer Response

  • Huge time saver

    I’m so tired of filling out applications using Simplify. This app is saving me hours of time.

    Developer Response

    Glad we can help!
  • Cool idea terrible execution

    This idea had potential but for an app to charge $15 a week for infinite swipes is obscene considering competitors are free for easy apply which this is a just an easy apply wrapped in a tinder front end the app will be dead within the month when the novelty where’s off and everyone goes back to doom sending resumes FOR FREE on other platforms

    This has been nothing but a disappoint for an app with a really cool idea

    They claim AI files the application for you but I’ve seen the AI mess up multiple times and add details that are not true

    The app is slow and 80% of the jobs listed are irrelevant

    Bad app it’s only a matter of time before copy cats do it better and hopefully they don’t make such a rip off and time waster these devs have done
  • Ion like

    Fr fr
  • Not a fan.

    Clunky look and feel, jobs are not relevant, no confirmation that my application was actually sent. AI will kill the job search… when EVERYONE sends 10 or more applications a day, our hit rate from application to interview will be that much lower. 🙃
  • Good idea, bad execution

    They make it slightly easier to apply but it doesn’t solve the main issue of getting ghosted by employers who are overwhelmed with applicants (it actually makes it worse). There are 100 other AI applications tools that charge less.
  • Dope app, small suggestion

    would be cool to be able to select multiple locations. overall great and took less than a minute to add my job app details

    Developer Response

    We just shipped a feature for you to add multiple locations! Update your app and try it out!
  • Almost there

    cool concept and would definitely make the job application process much faster, i just wish it was a bit more fleshed out before launching

    for example, the location filter doesn’t work so I keep seeing jobs in random countries when i’m only looking in the US

    also, not getting any confirmation emails for applying so i don’t know if it’s actually working?

    maybe if there was also a way to see the places you have applied to in another page just for the sake of keeping track

    and maybe a link to the actual job description bc some of these don’t feel fully fleshed? i also want to see how old these postings are, i dont wanna apply to a position posted a month ago

    love the idea of ten free applications daily, feels like hitting a goal when i’m done

    Developer Response

    Hi Ruchi, thanks for the review! Look out for our next update we’re solving all these issues :)
  • Cool concept but just not there yet

    This is a very cool idea that I think has a lot of potential. Here is my feedback:

    1. Paying for credits is not the move
    I usually apply to hundreds of jobs per internship cycle, which would be really expensive if I had to pay for credits. A monthly plan would make more sense for me to buy instead
    2. Lack of description for jobs
    There needs to be more filters and customization for which jobs I want to see. For example, it was showing me jobs in other countries, when I only want to work in the US. Additionally, there is a lot of blank space on the card when there aren’t many tags. Also, some jobs were straight up missing the job description, which definitely makes me trust the platform less

    I think this idea has great potential and if it actually worked perfectly, I could definitely see myself paying for this

    Developer Response

    Thank you so much for trying our app and sending in your feedback. 1. We are still experimenting with payment plans and rolling out subscription plans next week. 2. We are shipping a feature in the next update where you can customize everything you see in your feed like location etc. So, stay tuned! For the missing job descriptions, that's mostly fixed - it happened because we were updating the db with new jobs haha.