User Reviews: My Superstore Simulator

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Some glitches

    Okay I love this game I’ve been playing for over a week every day. The only issue is if I order everything I need to restock my store and I come back the next day something will be missing and I’m sure I ordered it cause I count what I ordered to match the shelves and stuff. I thought it was my own error UNTIL today I was missing a coke package and was looking everywhere for it and looked at the ceiling and found a box of cereal I was missing in my last batch. It was stuck to the ceiling. Now I got it off BUT I’m looking on the ceiling of other building for my coke package and I think I found it but it’s unreachable. It’s literally a cardboard box on a roof. It looks crazy
  • Love it but too many ads

    I love this game but there’s absolutely wayyy too many ads. It’s starting to make it unenjoyable.. there’s an ads almost every two or three minutes.. it’s extremely frustrating, and they’re forced ads, it’s not like I have a choice to watch it or not.. if you gave me a choice I’d gladly watch them for some extra money or something but I’m not going to voluntarily watch ads now bc I’m forced to watch one every few mins anyways so why would I want to watch more.. please fix this, I can’t keep playing it if it’s just endless ads bc I’m starting to get really annoyed and it’s only day 2 of me having this game….
  • Really fun but adds

    The game is really good and fun. I got my friend addicted and she still is we call and play it there should be multiplayer though so we can play. But the time you have to wait to get your package or packages especially when you buy like six things it’s a three minute wait but if you leave the game and wait how long the packages take to deliver them and join back and they we be there. And lastly the X button is covered by the add Maybe less adds.
  • Good passtime

    This game is overall really well put together. I purchased ad free pretty quickly after downloading and have played it regularly since then. My biggest complaint is delivery time, sometimes its three to four minutes for one item when I ordered ten. By the end of the in store day I only have half of my deliveries which alternately makes a cashier useless because I have nothing to run around and stock. You don't get a very detailed description when using energy to purchase the service licenses which makes me skeptical to buy them. I would have personally not wasted my energy on the cashiers license had I known it came with an additional daily cost that can only be decreased by using MORE energy. There is no way to get energy in game that I have seen other than watching an ad for 10 so it essentially requires the few people who pay for the game to continually spend more money to be worth their time. You can purchase energy or cash, but there are no bundles, weekly, or monthly deals or real additional benefits to purchasing.
  • favorite game

    I love this game! It is one of my favorite games but it needs a few improvements. 1. we need more customization options! For example, different wall colors, wall papers, different floor options, windows, etc. 2. add more products. We are missing personal care items and household products. I think adding these types of products would make this game so much better. 3. Please make female employees. We get the same 3 male employees. 4. The ads are really annoying and are not very user friendly and they intefere with the game play interface. I really like this game so I did end up purchasing the no ads version.
  • Watching ads is so much fun

    I don’t think I’ve ever played a game and had to watch so many ads just so I can play. I don’t mean ads that give you a great boost no just random ads that pop up or ads that block necessary buttons or display that force an internet pop up. The way that these developers use ads is deceptive and disappointing, with some ads even being transparent and on top of buttons to start the game, once again forcing an internet redirect. Very disappointing hopefully they do better in the future because I was enjoying the game and interested in giving it a try
  • This game is awesome!!

    I hate being catfished by mobile game ads, we’ve all had it happen before. you get shown a segment or what you would assume is a mini game on an ad, you very obviously assume they’re accurately representing what the game play is like but unsurprisingly, a lot of games will advertise better looking versions or fake mini games. I really love simulator games and i’ve tried so many different super market and retail ones. I love the cashiering part but any other game i’ve found has either catfished me in the ad and then I download it and its a completely different game or I found it on the app store hoping it would be a good game and it was in fact not. I saw an ad for this and was like ok i’ll give it a go, and it was a shocking experience. for the first time in forever, the part that I was shown in a game ad was in fact in the game ON TOP of other segments of the game. I like the graphics a lot and how the gameplay feels. it’s really fun and i honestly can’t stop playing. it was especially a breath of fresh air that the gameplay of the checking out i was shown was a one for one of the game and not some better animated segment for an ad then the game having cheaper graphics. thank you for fulfilling my need for a GOOD supermarket/retail simulation game. there was a gap in an oversaturated market and you guys filled it.
  • Add a Stock Worker Please

    The game is fun and great I bought no ads just because how much I like it but not having a stocker to help restock is really boring because so many customers come in and grab stuff and restocking stuff alone yourself and trying to order more stuff to stock up on is a lot so if you could add in a stock worker to help out that would make the game so much better but otherwise great game
  • Fun game

    I’m really enjoying this game. I have found it hard to put down. I don’t always run my register but when I do I have my son help as I feel like it is going to help him learn to give change. The world is really big which is neat. You have about two blocks on the one side and a block on the other. I think it would be cool for this to be expanded and have other offerings in the other areas of the game. I had placed an order and didn’t realize that the deliveries keep coming even when you are off line. I had a huge mess to clean up but learned my lesson. Unfortunately I had some boxes land on the roof. Most I was able to grab through the roof but I still have three shadows and can’t get to the product. My one recommendation would be to have a “what’s on order” tab so I can see what I ordered and where it is in the queue. I did purchase the no ads right away mainly because there was an ad In the corner that blocked my view and made it hard to do certain things (one of which was to close the do you want to purchase the zero ads package pop up). All in all a fun way to sit and relax after a long day 😊.
  • Professional gamer and Customer services

    I've been doing retail my whole life, I remember this tried laugh before had so many promble s would operate! I'm in my 40 d I'm acddicted,. I feel , ike own my own stored develop it and inhence it the way I would I myfelf own it and order for it! I strongly correcmend this to kids and middle can really see under everything intiled in running operations pirchires and running company! Along when they are introduce to account fake money to learn how works in out side world, .…. Who ever devople this,. Is amazing they though every angel!