This app helps a lot
Response from developer
Hello, thanks a lot for your feedback. We’re glad you like it. Have a nice day,
Response from developer
Hi, Very sorry for the inconvenience caused. The app met some issues for a few hours indeed. Everything is back to normal. Feel free to use the app and to let us know what you think about it now that it's fully working. Thanks, Ben
Does not work with apple sign in… IS NOW FIXED AND WORKING
Response from developer
Hi, Very sorry for the inconvenience caused. The app met some issues for a few hours indeed. Everything is back to normal. Feel free to use the app and to let us know what you think about it now that it's fully working. Thanks, Ben
We originally bought this as part of promotion
AppAdvice asked we write you which we did but never heard back though we suspect you had many emails so we get it wasn’t an ideal situation.
We’d still like to claim the promotion as we saw you updated the app but it doesn’t seem to recognize our previous install on day of promotion.
Hopefully you can send us two codes or provide an alternative solution.
Thanks in advance,
Response from developer
Hi Annie, We are sorry to read that. Could you please contact the team at service@noerden.fr? Thanks a lot
Quite fun
Response from developer
Hi, Thanks a lot for updating your review. We are happy you like it. Ben
Nice app
Response from developer
Hi, Thanks for your feedback. We are sorry for the inconvenience. A new update of GenK app is available with a fix for the audio. Please update your app. Thanks,
Works finally
I waited for a few more days and apparently a recent update has fixed this issue. It now works as advertised and I am very happy happy with it. I think the UI is nice and it is chock full of interesting information that is fun to read and learn. Thanks, developers for fixing the app!
Response from developer
Hi, Thanks for your message. Happy you like it when it's working. We have more improvements on the way. Thanks, Ben
Put text back
Response from developer
Hi, Thanks for your feedback. We are sorry for the inconvenience. A new update of GenK app is available with a fix for the audio. Please update your app. Thanks,
Almost perfect
Overall, I find the remaining features to be good, but these issues are holding me back.
Response from developer
Hi, Thanks for your feedback, We love your idea. An update of GenK app is available with access to the look up feature. You can now get the meaning of unfamiliar words. Thanks,