User Reviews: Iesabel

Top reviews

  • Good game... But

    So i think this is a great game. However i only have one issue. The game keeps shutting itself down no matter what i do. I didn't pay for a game to have that happen every time i get going. So I'm going to stop until you guys fix that issue. I play on an iPhone 4s, in case you need to know that. Otherwise, as i said, it's a great game!
  • Gem

    This game is amazing. Coming from someone that normally only plays console (x1) this is still a great game. All of the negative reviews are from people using old hardware complaining. Runs flawless on my iPad Air, even with the graphics maxed out (yes it has in game graphics options). Amazing game 5 stars, much more depth then anything I've played in the App Store.
  • Finally

    This game has the feel of a truly good dungeon crawl arpg. Is it as polished as games like dungeon hunter or diablo 3? No, but in my opinion this is beneficial. The item and skill system are not cookie cutter. There is no hand holding. I can't stand games that have a flat out tiered item system... DH 4, for example, became very boring very quickly because you can easily outmatch the game by getting items ahead of your level. I'm tired of games in which you just use one skill and no strategy, and so far, this game has me wanting to explore all of the skills. It runs flawlessly on my iPad mini with retina. I'm really hoping that they add content and characters, and that they get a chance to make some unique items that have cool added benefits.
  • Great fun but far too many crashes

    I've really been enjoying this. Reminds me of the years I spent playing Diablo. BUT, at the very least, WHY isn't there an auto save feature. Had it crash on me and I lost EVERYTHING I had done/accumulated/points spent/gear obtained/levels obtained/etc from the past hour of play. There are even areas where you get stuck. NOTHING you do will allow you to progress. Only option; start a new character. If these bugs can be ironed out I'd give this a 5*.
  • Disappointing.

    Yes, you bought it because you want a Diablo clone on your mobile device. And you played it for a while and it is surprisingly fun and kinda looks good, so let's give it a shot despite all the bugs, right? Someone will surely fix them on an upcoming patch (characters stuck in invisible walls; damage miscalculations; your summoned monsters go with you through the town portal but stay there when you get back to the dungeon, making you unsummon them all before having to re-summon. just to name a few bugs.)

    Forget it. I bought this game almost a year ago and there has never been a single update. I wrote the developer and got a "thank you, those issues will be added to our internal list". Liars!

    Don't get me wrong, I had lots of fun before realizing I was playing an abandoned game.

    Buy it at your own risk.
  • Very good

    I have seen this game a few times thinking it was as the reviews said it was, poorly done and not smooth gameplay, I have got to be honest, it's not true on my iPad 3 32gb device. Plays very smooth. In the options are graphic choices to change so if you are closer to the screen for older apple products or farther for newer and better apple products. By tweaking the options those who are complaining could play this better. They may not have tried. I got this for .99$ and it is a great game, was worth the money before it was on sale, grass moves as I walk through it, blood and plenty of weapons. I think if your like me it's worth a shot. I have seen this as better than I expected. And like I said I have had no crashes nor has it shown a sign of it struggling.... But I play based on what I think my graphics potential is not what I think it should be. Five stars from me
  • 2.5 stars

    This game really seems like it would be super fun and looks simply amazing! And for those of us unable to play Diablo or who want it on the go it's a great alternative, however it crashes literally every couple of minutes and the GUI seems like it might have a bit of a learning curve to it. Overall I think this game has potential to be One of the most brilliant games on the App Store, but it still lacks that last level of polish. So once they fix the constant crashing and other bugs (which I haven't found many of) and maybe some slicker animations (the current ones are fine though, this is only a minor personal thing) then this will be at least 4stars
  • Absoultly great

    This would probably be my all time favorite game if the developers changed just two things: it would be great if I could zoom in more (so to better view my character) and if they gave you an option to see how your character looks when putting on and removing armors and weapons if these two things are changed I will absolutely give it five stars
  • Amazing Diablo-like on 5c

    Played through completely on an iPhone 5c. Did not experience any crashes or glitches what so ever. The game as a whole is completely enjoyable. There is a fairly decent story line throughout with a semi predictable plot line if you have played any diablo like game in the past. The best parts of the game are the crazy amount of loot dropped, visual character customization, great upgradable skill tree and complete lack of in app purchases. Great games like this are far and few between. Buy it, play it and enjoy it... But that is my opinion.
  • Greatest Diablo Based Action RPG Game Ever Forged.

    It's a dream of many gamers to have Blizzards: Diablo on the go, plus it's remarkably well done.

    Unfortunately it still has very bad bugs and glitches that still make this game feel unfinished, then certainly refined.

    The Game itself crashes more often at random than we'd expect, there are a couple of game-stopping bugs glitches, and the UI is really busy and a bit confusing, especially if you are playing on a smaller screen of the IPhone. The games graphics, even at low settings, proves to be too much for old mobile hardware, like the IPhone4.

    Even on the IPad, the load times are quite long, and thanks to the games opaque auto-saving and complete lack of a manual save, it's far too easy to lose a lot of progress.

    Secondly, the In-games sequence relies on a touch-based control method, via a virtual joy stick.

    Please enable in the options section of the main menu: Bluetooth / Icade controller Compatibility Support.

    This great addition to the next future game update, will offer players a choice in what kind of controller setting suits them best, touchscreen-based or Bluetooth, Touch screen mode can also be very difficult for newbies to figure out.

    I implore you, please addressable fix these problems, so players can enjoy Lesabel a little better.

    Thank You, and Good Luck Updating.