Excellent but some bugs
I’ve played this game many times and loved it. Lately though I’m having trouble with my phone or someone hacking the game on my phone bc I’m encountering bugs:
1. Treasure chests often yield nothing, including the ones at the end of dungeons.
2. I mined every single block, completed every dungeon, and filled the museum with all the artifacts & the key but my percentage progress would not update past 88% so I did not get to see Mines of Earth (it was still satisfying mining the blocks though).
To the Dev: I can send you all documentation you wish for the bugs. If your code’s been hacked I would think you’d want to know.
In addition to fixing the bugs one suggestion I have is towards the end it would be great to have an unlimited bin. Otherwise, this is a clever and well put together game. I’d like to see more like it and definitely a sequel.