Really hoping it was gonna be good
Lotta ads, but I can deal with that, but I finish all my tasks on the second level and it doesn’t have anything for me to do and normal stuff that I thought you’d be able to click on you can’t after looking at other reviews. It definitely just seems like a copy of the real cat VR game. And I know a lot of people said that there was a task where to put the fish back in the fish tank after the starter level. It’s on the light above the kitchen, but you can’t Pick it up
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Let me pick up more items
I do not like how I can only pick up certain items 4 stars
You need to add some stuff
I got this game actually like today and I already know how to write and guess what I hate this game cause actually I just thought I was gonna be a cat living a cat life for like this game is so glitchy and plus it has it has 1 billion ads you need to remove the ads andalso make it to where you can do a lot of fun things as a cat cause no one likes me bored, so can you just add some more stuff and like take care of that I’m not saying you like lower it down to where there’s not that many cause I hate ads so fix that or else. I’m calling your manager. Don’t call me a Karen cause guess what I know what a Karen is it’s a person who calls a manager 24 seven guess what I’m not one. oh, and also you need to make it where you could put music on like Taylor Swift, cause I said Romeo say I feel so alone in my head I don’t know what a thing he nailed to the ground and pulled out a ring and said marry me, Juliet, she never had to be alone like that song. I literally love that song.
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idk how to think about this?
So basically I love the graphics of this game and I love all of the details and everything. But the one main thing I wanna out talks focus on is all of the adds. After I watch one add 2 minutes later comes another one. Even when I hit no thanks it just gives me it anyways. Its like you have no option to not watch the add. But overall I think the game is great except for that one thing.
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Not very good
There are so many ads and when it says do you want fish then I click no then it gives me a AD even tho I press no. and if you Jump on granny then she doesn’t even flinch but in the real game she falls over but in this game if you break a glass then she comes and gets you. AND WHERE IS THE KEYCARD TO GO OUTSIDE. I do not recommend
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Why can we not use the hands?
Like really we can’t use the hands
Great but can you fix it a little?
This game is so much fun. I just don’t like how so many ads are popping up every 30 seconds. Seriously, it’s annoying so much. I also don’t like the violence in this game. What I mean by violence is that grandma always smacks me in the face with a frying pan. It’s just too much. There’s this thing that pops up and tells you that you can get free fishes if you watch an ad and a decline button, but when I press it, it still gives me an ad to watch, just like the other button. But you get no reward. Everything else about it is great though. It’s a great game you made.
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It’s kinda good
There’s way too many ads and if I have to pay I am not paying for it but overall the game is good but just way too many ads
Why this game should get fixed
OK, so basically this game is like a really good game just the ads are what bother me because honestly, this game would be like so much better if they were like not as many ads as they’re already are cause like it pops up a thing that asks if you want to watch an ad for Fishies, and if you don’t want to, if you don’t want to it still makes you watch an ad just for zero fishes which there are so many ads in this game. It would be much better if they weren’t as many, but the fishy thing were ask you if you want to or not if you still click on no thanks it still makes you watch an ad but I like this game other than that cause that part super annoying but honestly, it’s a really funny and good game
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Why so many advertisements
2 things wrong with this game. Too many advertisements interrupting gameplay and the controls are terrible