An Escape Game with Incredible Polish
This was quite possibly the most well-executed escape game ever for the iOS. In the prologue portion, in order to completely immerse the gamer from the perspective of an obsessed girlfriend looking for clues that betrays her boyfriend's infidelity, a smart phone simulation was created, replete with Apps, phone log, instant messaging exchanges, etc. And the result is amazing. In the main portion of the game, the gamer is now immersed from the perspective of the boyfriend trying to crack the gauntlet of puzzles, in order to prevent the girlfriend from resorting to something drastic — and triggered events, in the form of the girlfriend's social network messages, help to add a touch of realism. Play time is a tad bit short, but one really can't complain when the game conveys such a satisfying experience. I hope we may expect more games from this developer.
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omg this game is sooooooo cool
Its basically a puzzle solving game. u'll enjoy it if you know Japanese. Recommands!