اين جوالي

اين جوالي

by Mohammad Ababneh


About اين جوالي

  • Released
  • Updated
  • iOS Version
  • Age Rating
  • Size
  • Devices
  • Languages


Developer of اين جوالي

اين جوالي screenshot #1 for iPhone
اين جوالي screenshot #2 for iPhone
اين جوالي screenshot #3 for iPhone
اين جوالي screenshot #4 for iPhone

What's New in اين جوالي


April 3, 2021

تصحيح بعض الاخطاء

Reviews of اين جوالي


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Does اين جوالي work on iPad devices?

Yes, اين جوالي can be used on an iPad.

Who created اين جوالي?

اين جوالي was created by Mohammad Ababneh.

What is the minimum iOS version required to use اين جوالي?

Currently, اين جوالي supports iOS 11.0 or later.

What is the overall rating of the app?

اين جوالي has an average rating of 2.6 out of 5.

What is the primary genre of the اين جوالي app?

The Primary Genre Of The اين جوالي App Is Utilities.

Which is the latest version of اين جوالي?

1.7 is the current version of اين جوالي.

What date did the latest update for اين جوالي come out?

The most recent update for اين جوالي was released on January 5, 2025.

What date did اين جوالي come out?

The release date of the app was on February 6, 2023.

What is the content advisory rating for اين جوالي?

Suitable for children aged 4 and up, contains no objectionable material.

What languages does اين جوالي support?

You can use the اين جوالي app in English.

Does اين جوالي belong to Apple Arcade's curated library?

Unfortunately, اين جوالي is not on Apple Arcade.

Are in-app purchases part of اين جوالي?

Unfortunately, in-app purchases are not part of اين جوالي.

Does اين جوالي support Apple Vision Pro compatibility?

No, اين جوالي does not support compatibility with Apple Vision Pro.

Does اين جوالي use ad-based monetization?

No, اين جوالي does not use ad-based monetization.