Keeneland is always looking for a way of making the racing experience better’ this starts with the app evolving into a platform in itself! From free EQUIBASE pp’s to handicapper’s selections at the top of each pages to the live video! (Replays haven’t been working lately maybe just a error!)The programming with Scott Gabby & Tom is informative light hearted & enjoyable compared to the NYRA experience light years ahead! Keenelands involvement of the race fans experience is fantastic! Love the salute to our military the rolling out of the flag & the headless horseman! Those are just the things I enjoy please keep changing & moving y’all do a fantastic job!
Please contact Texas officials to help aide in getting online horse wagering’ Texas officials or under a stigmatism that illegal activity happens in online wagering if you attach to our sport you might as well say illegal activities happen in identity theft online & banking so don’t penalize your citizens for a few bad apples!
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