Trivia Crack (No Ads) User Reviews

Reviews Summary

Top reviews

  • Poor editing and Money grab

    I’ve been playing TC for years off and on; I like the current format and types of games. BUT, the quality of questions has decreased greatly in the last couple years. I’ve had questions rejected as duplicates when in the meantime I’ve seen multiple nearly identical questions on simple pop culture events. Questions have horrible grammar and there are a lot of sports questions on what team won in (some random year) that wasn’t special or memorable for any reason. My favorite (Not) bad questions are the geography ones that ask what is above or below instead of north and south. I picture Canada floating in the sky over the US, when actually it’s north.

    The worst thing lately is what I consider the money grab. The “pet” is cute but it is difficult to gather enough “cookies” to keep it. I’ve played my turn on 8-10 games without getting a single chance to win a cookie. I now spend more time without a pet than with it because I won’t pay money to buy cookies, when that is clearly the target. Similarly, it’s easy to climb the ranks until you get to the Master levels when you absolutely have to have a points doubler (or more) to score enough points to move up or even maintain your level. Of course it requires tickets to buy the doubler and I won’t pay for that so I’ve been stuck between master II & III for weeks.

    Developer Response

    Hello, thanks for your detailed comment. It's highly appreciated. Please get in touch with us from Menu > Help > Support, so that we can analyze the situation of your suggested questions and also give you a proper response. We look forward to hearing from you!
  • Horrible Update

    The new update looks terrible. It’s not modern it looks like a mess. I can’t see who I’m playing it’s constantly suggesting players which is all I can see not my current games. It’s messy looking. The game runs so slow now. The new “modern” design takes forever to get your questions and the wheel is difficult to spin. I can’t tell when there is an extra thing with the question like earning a cookie. I was actually hoping that animal feature would go away because it’s absolutely pointless. I hoped you’d change other things. For example the trivia topics never change. We still have a category for spring. The questions in the categories never change either. I also thought the treasure mine would improve. It’s impossible to get prizes. It moves too slow. I just stop playing it. I don’t get why we have a grey icon with my initial. It’s weird and I loved my pink icon. Basically I have been playing this for a long time and I am so frustrated that I’m out.

    Developer Response

    Hello, thank you for your input. In order to give you a better answer, we ask that you contact us at If you share your username with us, we will be able to answer any questions you may have and provide you with assistance. Have a nice day!
  • Crack is a great name

    I have been playing Trivia Crack since 2015. I had accumulated most recently @ 2,220,000 coins and had almost 40 lives. I had numerous other awards, only lacking being an author. I really enjoy playing the game. I never signed up with Facebook Apple or Google. I always just played with my email address, I changed telephones to the most advanced Apple phone I could get without thinking. I opened up a trivia crack app on my new phone and used Apple instead of my email. I lost all of my points and I just wasn’t gonna play anymore!! My wife contacted you people regarding the issue. It took a little while but, you showed your true colors by helping my wife restore my prior game tokens, awards and everything that I accumulated from from the old phone. Thank you very much for the outstanding service at trivia crack provides the their players. Thank you very much. Paul&Betty

    Developer Response

    Hi, we're glad you're enjoying Trivia Crack! Thank you for your input; taking into account the experience of our community is essential to keep improving. We encourage you to send us more suggestions at Remember to include your username in the message. Have a wonderful day!
  • Greed - A Mortal Sin

    I’ve enjoyed trivia crack since it’s inception. I try my best to ignore the constant pop ups for the “deals” that come up constantly with the developers of trivia crack trying to squeeze every dollar they can out of you. Even more astonishing is that they make the in-game way of earning currencies near impossible compared to the past. For example, you used to get a reward spin after every wrong answer and now that has changed to every 30 minutes. Ignore for a moment that the reward spin rewards weren’t in large amounts to begin with, but with the fact that a wrong answer is 1000 coins, you would have to spend either money or a large amount of time to make any amount of the currency you need to have help with questions or to get a second chance. It’s sad, not long ago this was one of my favorite apps and now I am on the cusp of getting rid of it and I would encourage others to do so as well. The only thing the current developers care about how many ways they can get into your wallet not about improving the game.
  • Like- But

    I really like the game and it's very challenging for me. I am an older person and it's hard for me to remember things. I think this game is a good challenge for me. I have two people that I play with my daughter and my husband and it's really fun. The big BUT for me is that when the answer is not correct you don't leave the correct answer up there long enough for me to get it! You took care of that. Thank you!!! But now I notice that when it’s fun and a challenge to get the cards and e’s I really work to get them. Not any more because you upped what it takes to get them. Now I’m disappointed and think you have jacked it up to much! It’s not fun anymore! If I weren’t playing with my best friend, I would stop. Another thing that annoys me and I don’t know if it’s your change of policy or my app. I deleted my app and reinstalled it thinking that was it and it wasn’t. It used to be that when I got a wrong answer. At least I got a spin to see if I could win something that now no longer takes place.

    Developer Response

    Hi! Thanks for your input. We want to give you the best response possible to improve your experience with Trivia Crack! So we can clear up any doubts and help you, we ask that you contact us, along with your username, at We hope to hear from you soon. Have a wonderful day!
  • Not as good as it was months ago

    I’ve been playing regularly for at least a few years, and I think I only had the app for a month or two before plunking down the $5 or whatever to get rid of ads. I’ve had my gripes in the past, but nothing major. A few months ago, it really went downhill. Questions with blatantly wrong answers are suddenly becoming almost common, and while repeated questions have always been a bit of a problem, now they’re completely out of hand (especially in the Art category).

    Additionally, one or two of the buttons/links (like “Missions”) will occasionally just DISAPPEAR from the menu, while the game is open but I’m in another app on my phone. Lately I swear they’ve been putting out updates at least twice a week, and this STILL occurs regularly!

    The gems that you collect to earn cards (which are used to earn stuff at regular intervals) become worthless once you have collected all the cards, because they stopped creating new cards a couple YEARS AGO. I now have almost 17,000 gems, and 4,000 lives…and I usually have 10-12 games going at a time.

    I can deal with the questions I submit sitting for a couple years with NO ratings—like I said, minor gripes—but to see so many WRONG ones get accepted, and so many repeats…plus lately the pop-up “offers” (spend $1.99 to get whatever in-game) just keep popping up, starting to feel like ads which I PAID NOT TO GET…I’m getting VERY TEMPTED to ditch the game entirely.
  • Great game but still getting ads

    I love trivia crack! Its a great game and is tons of fun to play with friends. I play the game enough that I upgraded to the no advertisement version. Only I feel like I am still seeing advertisements. Each time I finish answering questions in classic mode, finish any of the extra challenges or missions a trivia crack ad pops up about the “sales” for purchase in the game. It also happens randomly while playing. I dont mind being shown them when first opening the app but I am contently being bombarded with them during game play. That is my one complaint because otherwise this is a great game and a nice break from life.
  • Ads free isn’t really free of ads

    Update 2: Now I’m just mad! I was IN THE MIDDLE OF A QUESTION when an ad came up for a pack of right answers, coins, etc. By the time I dismissed the ad, my question timed out and I lost the round. This is getting out of control. I’m dropping my rating until I start seeing fewer of these ads!
    Update: What the heck with all the ads for in app purchases?!? I purchased the ad free version because I did not want to be constantly asked to buy things. I get that these ads are different, but they are still ADS! It’s bad enough when I have to dismiss an ad for in app purchases between every turn, but it’s gotten to the point where I’m having to dismiss these annoying ads after nearly every answer! It’s driving me crazy…please, knock it off! I don’t want to buy a crap ton of coins and right answers, STOP ASKING!
    Original Review: I love this app, always have. I’ve played for years and still enjoy keeping my mind active with this game. Might I make one small suggestion, however? Please allow for friends to be removed from the friends list! The app keeps sending me a notification suggesting that I should show one friend in particular that I am smarter than she is. The problem is, my friend passed away over a year ago.
  • Not worth the money for “no ads”

    The fact that it says no ads is VERY misleading. Every game or even when I launch the app I get MULTIPLE pop ups trying to get me to buy these different packs for over 10$ (which is expensive for something digital and pretty much worthless). I hate the fact that they advertise this for no ads, just gets under my skin. Just feels like my money was stolen. Sure, the game can be fun minus all of that. Yeah there’s some questions that are somewhat ridiculous or incorrect, and gives me a headache to read. Just saying, there’s nothing wrong with keeping it at like 1 or 2 pop ups on app launch. Constantly berating you with pop ups EVERY game is just unnecessary. Fix. This. App. Keep all the offers on the home screen and just let people buy them if they want. Seriously, this makes me want to uninstall so bad.
  • Filled with junk and nonsense

    What was once a simple and fun trivia app is now bogged down by innumerable nonsensical extras and predatory in-app purchases. While the actual trivia gameplay is fun, it has seemingly taken a back seat to sticker albums and pointless pricey add-ons aimed at a seemingly very young and vulnerable audience. You can also just buy yourself victories. Ten bucks gets you 27 correct answers you can deploy as needed. No one is looking for that kind of “gameplay”. I play trivia with my mom as a way of keeping in touch long-distance, and it’s just dumb that we have to wade through all this nonsense. Most of the questions seem like they would be over the heads of tweens, meanwhile they appear to be the target demographic. When Grandma got them those iTunes gift cards, she probably wasn’t trying to finance pointless cheating in trivia apps.

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