It gives the option of placing your order for now (assume that means as soon as possible). You pick your items and go to the cart. Then you get the message saying you can’t place an ASAP order right now. The only way to change the time is to cancel the order and start over. So, you pick the next available time, pick your items, go to the cart and get the message that your order can’t be ready that soon. It cancels your order for you, and displays the next available time. And so it goes until you happen to pick a time far enough out that you can place your order in time.
Also, I can’t figure out how to change the cheese I want on a sandwich. You can select the default items for the sandwich, and add specific extras, but can’t change the cheese. Does a deli usually only carry 1 type of cheese?
The sandwiches are delicious and you usually get a good helping of meat on them. The food is 4-1/2 stars, the app is a 1 to 1-1/2.
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