Avakin Life User Reviews

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  • Love love love this game

    There’s only a few glitches from time to time that I would hope the creators will at some point fix- the way all long or big dresses, when walking, split into two like pants, unlike a real dress; how all eye makeup on the Avkin’s right eye is closer to the nose than the left, leaving an awkward and strange look; the inability to wear multiple clothing/ layers, the inability to have multiple petkins in certain areas; the awkward controls when editing rooms makes it impossible to enter some rooms of my house; the different women’s faces make her smile into a frown all except for one face; if there could be more full face makeup choices that would be great; some of the face paints don’t match the skin tones so they look awkward, a really cool thing I’ve been hoping for was different skin colors and patterns we could buy; the maximum amount of items you can have in a room is sometimes too small especially when certain small items take up “too much room”; and it would be great if we could have another event like the pyramids, it has been out for a long time now and a lot of people have finished all the prizes and accomplishments. Also why aren’t we able to get the amount of money we earn when working instead of a highly decreased amount? I believe a LOT more people would work at the bars and cafe’s if this were the case. Besides these, I absolutely love the game and have been playing it for years! Please keep going with the game!
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    Hi I’m new to the game (JW4LLACE) and I’ve played for 6 days now and almost level 8. This game is very Recommended if u want to hang out with friends and kill time. I’ve played other social virtual games such as moviestarplanet and high rise. I believe this game is better than both its playable for the kids and also the older crowd such as myself. I am 20yr and I’ve made friends from ages 18-56.
    With that said as a player/customer if u want to bring people to this game or keep players on longer PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make a lobby for Hip-Hop and RnB music. I am asking for the community. More Experienced players who have played for years explained how the game was more active when the music was more diverse in public lobbies. Starting out on this game I had the biggest struggle working at one of the jobs in a lobby because everyone would go to their apartment and I would ask why out of curiosity and they responded with “U can’t have fun in lobbies like before, the music isn’t party like”. Also if they didn’t leave to the lobby they are just standing around because the music gets stale. Other than that you guys have a awesome game and I’ll be dropping $100 on the game this Friday. WE LOVE U GUYS WE JUST WANT GREAT MUSIC for our animations

    Thank you
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  • For the next Update of Avakin Life

    Avakin Life is great! But there could be improvements, like for example, letting swearing words, possibly because TONS of people on the earth swear. Also maybe fix when someone uses a word to many times it stars it—fix that so it doesn’t star it. Maybe add a school so that people can rp (roleplay) there and have fun. Also, maybe add relationships back but don’t have it show on the left but on the right, under the badges or tasks that you completed and in process ones. That would help a ton. Also, maybe allow the Ninja Animation Set be free because it’s expensive and money takes a long time to earn in this game. I’m sure more people would like to have instead of the “mail message” it could be a phone that rings/buzzes when you get a message. Like have it send like you would on an iMessage. Same for in chat options (private, group, public/worldwide). In my opinion, the mail thing when it’s not in message form-like it makes it seem plain and boring because teens that play this game are more up to date on imessage not mail. Oh, maybe add some cool tech things for the Avakin’s to use. I think that would be awesome! Lastly, maybe do a new app profile cause the one right now has been the same since I’ve been on. I hope you take my options into consideration (like you did for the last person that wrote a review) for the next update. Thanks for listening to what I have to say! Hoping to see my suggestions that I wrote down.
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  • Heres a crazy idea

    Hey LKWD heres a crazy idea, what if updates are supposed to actually make the game better? Not into garbage like your prone to doing. I mean maybe a game is supposed to be improved upon, glitches are supposed to be fixed, and players are supposed to be happy. Does your team not know how to fix the problems? What if there was someone telling you all the problems on i don’t know a forum or a rating page, oh wait theres thousands of people! All telling you what they don’t like about your game i wonder if it would be a smart idea to take out all the stuff people don’t like and put in stuff that people do like. Why is it that hard? I mean are you actually in over your heads? There’s clearly problems repeated over and over by more and more people. From glitches to bullying and kids being annoying, creepy weirdos that you could easily ban but no why ban them when you could ban some random guy minding his own business. Basically i feel like you either gave up or simply don’t know a solution to this giant mountain of problems I mean do your people know what there game is like actually playing it? I tell you for me it’s actually becoming painful. I’ll rate it higher if/when these problems are fixed.

    Thanks for reading, whoever you are.

    Ps. Anyone else reading this i suggest you try second life I played it once and i liked it better, and stay away from imvu it has basically the same problems.
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  • LAMO

    This game is fun but I like controls not tapping also emojis... I like this app but it’s hard and earning money from tap joy is to hard make it like 1,000 dollars each time you watch a add it’s way to much adds to earn money as well as animations too expensive.. hair and clothes as well also I think there should be a dell for less expensive cars. Also my younger sis wants to play and can’t because she I’m 17 and play she’s 14.. I would like that changed and maybe a new name for the game it’s too confusing Avakin life doesn’t make sense I would also like each day you get 3000 or $4000 maybe 2000 but I’m super worried to even play this game I can’t do anything on this game so yes,
    Also the one thing that I don’t like about this game is when you work you only get like $57 and it needs to be fixed you should get like $1000 so make it work I did I think that the prices are way too low for the money that you are new and $100 when you get onto the app and I’m trying to get money because I want to get an omissions in a new house but I want to get a car as well I think it should be changed I also like having a emoji’s on here and I think
    Having a school would be good give me a grocery store and maybe a being able to cook in your kitchen at your house this is all I want for now but this app is kind of iffy and ya lamo
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  • I love this game, but..

    I love this game, but.. I have 3 problems with this game. One of them is a suggestion.
    1. the prices on things (clothes, animations, and furniture) are too expensive. Whenever I get the money, it’s gone in a snap. Imagine you were someone who was playing this game, you would want to save money, but you wouldn’t want to look like a total noob, so you go out and spend money, then BAM! The money’s gone!
    2. Making money is so freakin’ hard. If you don’t use tapjoy, then you being a waiter won’t get you far in a few days. For every 4 Avakin dollars, you get one avakin coin. That doesn’t really seem fair, does it? Maybe you could change it to every 2 avakin dollars, you get one avakin coin. That seems more fair.
    3. There should be a selling option. So if you accidentally thought that a small rug, was a large rug, you can return it and your get money back. Or you could also sell a house that you never go into, clothes that you never wear anymore, or animations that you think are boring. But you sell them for half the price you payed, unless if they’re a beginner animation/clothes/ house, then just sell them for 100.
    Plz fix these problems. They’re really starting to get on my nerve. Other than those, the game is great! I play it everyday after school.
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  • Enjoyable but not for children

    As a player for over a year, I have enjoyed many things about this game but have also experienced many disappointments. The game play itself has been quite pleasant ant the bonds you can creat with other players are amazing. On the other hand, it really is a conflicted environment. Excessively sexy clothing, bar atmosphere adult environments with child play things and heavily censored chat, even in purchased private areas. There is no way to distinguish an adult from a child except by the honor system, which is less than honorable in many cases, especially with uncontrolled trolling and bullying that occurs and slides right past the filter systems. The cost of playing the game is up to the individual, but can be quite high and your rights really are not protected so play and pay at your own risk. But in the end it is a good game, with a solid and passionate community, good people, beautiful artwork, entertaining, keeps you addicted. There is a lot of potential in this game, if they can get past the self created media drama, create an environment where adult players can be adults and the kids can play and be reined in as required by underaged player gaming laws and players can just be free to exist in this virtual world in peace without fear of losing their investment with every new chat bubble. Work in progress. But to sexual for kids even with the censorship. Let the kids be kids before they need to grow up and see all this.
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  • I freakin love this game but...

    Avakin life is great for making friends, dating, roleplaying, passing time or just playing Constantly. But there is an issue with the Avakins...there no other body shapes. Now I’m not gonna be one of those people that are super hurt and mad about one thing in the game, but this is a little hurtful though. Not everyone in the world has this perfect body that these avakins present to us ,first of all the female characters, perfect hips, waist, chest and so fourth, same with the male characters. There should be body sliders, you should be able to add fat to the chest, thighs, and stomach, you should also be able to make your hips wider, and shoulders wider. I know something like this would take a long time to create because I know coding and programming isn’t easy but maybe at least start working on it?...also could ya please add nails? :)... and one more thing, cursing, I know this is a thing that people don’t want in the game for their kids but could it at least be put back into private apartments and houses?...the reason why I want this back is because when me and my friends role play we can’t express our characters anger and it’s really annoying to make up other words...also instead of getting gifts from the missions like the most recent one with the Cupid’s, can’t we just maybe get about 100 Avacoins?... if this ever gets read by Lockwood thank you... I doubt it will be though...thanks for an amazing game!!!
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  • Getting fed up

    I been playing avakin for a year and like 5 months now and I usher to love it a lot but now my passion for the game is slowly fading due to some problems. One the age limit u have kids that say there old then they are just to play the game but it’s so obvious they aren’t . I met some kids on there that admitted they are in elementary school. Like obviously avakin isn’t going a good job at preventing underage kids. Two the age limit needs to go but up to at least 17 or up. 12 is too young and they rude the game for others because they troll and they beg and that’s a whole another reason why I’m falling out of love with the game. The prices are dum high that it causes people to beg and troll people, which causes users like me to not want to play the game or now want to keep buyin the high price items etc. also this game focuses more on putting items out but they can’t fix the bugs or glitches ? So why keep putting things out if ur not fixing the main problem. There’s so much more I go talk about. I just feel like avakin really needa make big changes in 2019, if not they are going to lose people, you guys really need to bring users like me or even just pick 10-15 users out of the game to bring on board to tell u the problems and helps with ideas because users like me have great ideas. Just hope u guys really do big changes
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  • Great App but Lots of Improvement Needed

    The app is great but, earning Avacoins is not easy! When you convert avabucks... the amount of avacoins you receive is NOT ENOUGH! 48 avabucks = 12 avacoins... ITS RIDICULOUS! Not to mention the prices of items are very expensive. If you all want to keep your prices, then the least you can do is make it easier to earn avacoins. Tapjoy does not give me my rewards! I complete offers and three days go by and I still don’t receive my rewards! The fashion contest is cool but it doesn’t matter how you dress anymore... it’s all about how expensive your clothes are. If the theme is “Red and White”, contestants would wear an expensive gold dress along with a crown and huge wings. The fashion contest makes no sense if no one follows the theme. Avakin also needs more “Games” and “Jobs”, more “Social Spots” would be nice as well. Most importantly we need more jobs. The 23rd street cafe and Club Sundown are the only jobs we have. The game “Starstyle Bar Quiz Night” asks some questions that no one in this world probably knows... the reward for completing such a hard quiz is also RIDICULOUS! More interaction with the world is needed. These are all of the complaints I can possibly think of. This game can use a lot improvement. I really hope Avakin sees this so these changes can be made as soon as possible because I know there are many other Avakins who are having these issues.
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