The Christmas Gift List Pro User Reviews

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  • Tina

    I’ve been using this app for years! You can keep track every year who you need to buy for; the first you want to get and if you’ve bought it, received it, wrapped or even given it. You can track the budget you want to spend on each person and how much you’ve spent entirely. There’s even a graph on how much you’ve done or have left too do! I couldn’t do Christmas shopping without it anymore!!
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  • Christmas gift organization success!

    Have used this app fir the last couple of years. Has been so helpful in making sure I don’t forget anyone and helping me keep to a budget.

  • Fab for keeping me on track!

    This is a fantastic app for storing & recording all your Christmas shopping ideas & purchases.
    The budget part is particularly useful for helping keep track of what you’ve spent.
    Only downside is that it only does pounds so you have to round up to the nearest pound rather than putting the exact amounts.
    Love that there are so many options for recording & updating the progress of your shopping on each item/gift.
    Love it & will use again next year
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  • Mostly love it...with a few notes.

    This app is my seasonal go to. I put it on my home screen every Christmas season. I would love to see a "compare side by side" feature where you could select two or three names and it show how many total gifts you have per child, and how much money you've spent on each one. We try to keep things as even as we can, and it would make a great addition to the app if it had such a feature. Overall, this app rocks and I highly recommend it!
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  • Keeping Focussed at Chaos Time

    This little app has been an enormous help to keep me focussed on what and who I was buying for.

    Usually as Christmas draws near I buy additional presents because I can’t remember if I have everyone covered and my budget gets blown out of the water.

    I upgraded the app last year so I can have an archive of what presents I gave who - love it!

    As I buy presents for Christmas all year around this is so helpful to keep track of what’s been bought and what I’ve spent.
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  • Organize your Christmas shopping.

    We are retirees living on our social security. We don’t have a lot of money but have a large immediate family and love them all dearly. For Christmas and birthdays we set a budget and try to stay within it for everyone. This app makes that job so easy. We know exactly what we’ve spent on everyone and who we need to be shopping for. The free version is great but we upgraded to the ‘Pro’ version and it’s worth every penny.
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  • Great to keep track.

    This is a great way to track what you’ve bought and how much you’ve spent. The only downside to it is there seems to be no way of knowing what you bought someone a previous year (unless I don’t know how to use it properly) Saves previous gifts in a long list but can’t see a way of seeing easily what gifts I bought someone particular before. But this is easy to use and great to have.
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  • Love it!!!!!

    I started using the free app last Christmas. It helped me tremendously! I have many gifts to purchase and found the various tracking phases (from an idea to purchase to having wrapped it and presented the gift) very helpful! This year I upgraded to pro so I can import last years list of people and I can look back and see what was given each year. I also really appreciated tracking the amount of spending. The app is user-friendly and I highly recommend it!
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  • Great app - love that you can use it year to year

    This is my third year using this app and it does what it says it will do in an efficient way and is quite helpful. Probably the most helpful feature is being able to pull over your list from years prior.

    I name each person with the person the gift is coming from in parentheses so that I can cover multiple gifts to one person from family members whose budgets come from my wallet. I.E. what my kids are giving to my husband, what I’m giving to my husband, plus what my kids are giving to him for his birthday (which falls right next to Christmas) and what I’m giving him for his birthday. Nice to have it all in one spot.
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  • So far so good

    We are using it for Xmas this year

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