Afrikaans vz Dutch
To many English words are given a Dutch alternative instead of Afrikaans
Pretty good
Has a good platform and helps when you need to look things up quick but lacks in some area’s like putting in the number 2 and there’s no option also no buy version anymore.
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The translation of some Afrikaans words to English just don’t come close to the meaning with which I grew up. Eg: Afrikaans “mals” translated as “ingeneem” ( ingested ). The meaning, in my opinion is closer to “youthful” or “fresh” this , of course, is my personal opinion as a person who has Afrikaans as my first language.
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Afrikaans dictionary
Quite a good app; user friendly and has most of the words that I need to look up.
Not correct Afrikaans
Australian is
Australiese not Australiaanse.
American will be Amerikaanse
Australiese not Australiaanse.
American will be Amerikaanse
Very helpful
This Eng-Afr dictionary is most helpful.
Decent dictionary
Good for a beginner, beats the hard copy dictionary I have
It is stupid that there is no definition or plural
Review of Afrikaans/ English dictionary
Pretty good and very useful but the vocabulary is limited :(