Daily Quotes Today User Reviews

Top reviews

Most quotes from persian muslim Rumi

Islamic-centric. Over 200 quotes from Rumi (13th century polymath - see Wikipedia). Next most is Lincoln with less than 100.
Numerous duplicates.
No editing (to remove dups or rejects or changing/adding quotes/categories)
Categories or Authors - no apparent sorting.
No sorting available.
Blank Home page (with search box top corner)
Profile and Favorites require login. Message says “You are currently logged in. Please login.” Canceling out sends to a different Login screen. Only way out is to select a different Category screen.
Profile screen has info button (top corner, again). This allows feedback, FB, Twit, or More which provides numerous other options. [Very Good].
Not marked down for islamicism, but down <2 stars for being overwhelmingly Rumi.
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Good way to read interesting quotes.

Overall good app to read lovely quotes.

Great start to my day :Daily quote

A source of inspiration when read. This is a great app. I love to be inspired.and it is a great start to my day! I even share the quote with my employees throughout the day and we discuss how it pertains to our store. Very glad I have this app. I recommend it to everyone.

Great app!

Super blessed w/this app thank u!

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