Bought on Accident. It is absolute GARBAGE
I was eating out of my goldfish xtra cheddar bag and I accidentally tapped get. I was like oh whatever it's free anyway and viewed the app. After viewing all the effects I was about to throw up because they are absolutely terrible! The effects are basically like Power Rangers! The so called "superpowers" are completely photoshopped and it doesn't even look like the powers are coming out of my hands. I don't have a cameras stand to hold my phone so I need a person to hold it for me. Also there is only one effect that is free and it's the laser cannon. The other ones are garbage and I have to pay for them. I know I know it's predictable and they need money, but I think having just one free isn't worth it. I mean, I can't even view what other effects look like outside of the pack cover (which is just a comic book graphic and looks nothing like it does in action). Imagine wasting $10 on a mega 20 pack and be completely disappointed? I don't enjoy the effects and I hope you guts enjoy it more than I did.