User Reviews: The Farming Game

Top reviews

  • Doesn’t Work With iOS 14.6

    Bought and downloaded but can’t play because it doesn’t work with this version of iOS software…
  • My favorite

    I love this game but now it says it needs a update to play!!! Please fix!
  • Accurate to board game

    An accurate if dated adaptation of the original game. No longer works with current iOS.
  • Update.....

    Is there any news on when the update is gonna come out? I enjoy the game, but it could definitely use some upgrades.

    Developer Response

    Sorry for the delayed response. The new version can be found here: I decided to do it as a completely separate app so people could still play the old version on old devices if they chose to (and the new version ended up taking more time to create than all previous versions combined). If you don't want to pay for a the new version, just send me an email at and I will send you a promo code so you can get the new version for free.
  • Out of date

    I really deeply want to play the farming game on ios but it says that the developer needs to update the app. I payed for it but it's useless right now and I am out of the money. Please refund, or update the app.
  • Needs a software patch

    So bought the original boardgame around 1980. It has always been one of my favorite boardgames. However, the app game is not fun. The human player almost never wins. Most of the “random” dice rolls for the human player somehow end up 3 and under most of the time. Hardly ever get good OTB cards, and the number of negative Farmers Fate cards are plentiful and very common. Not to mention the human player’s dice rolls to move the game marker are weighted to land on negative spaces most of the time. Example I consistently get sent back to the 2nd week of February multiple times. I more often than not land on your harvest is halved spaces. I land on pay spaces more often than not. It’s like the “random” dice generation software is purposely weighted against the human player. This could be a great game if the programmers would fix the dice roll generator to give the same odds to both humans and the computer players.

    Developer Response

    Sorry you had a bad experience with the game. The dice rolls really are completely random...sometimes the dice just don't go your way. I hope you give it another try. Also, an update will be available soon...I'm hoping in less than a month. It will have a new 3D look.
  • Best game ever

    This game is just like the board game. It is so fun! It randomizes the rolls fairly and gives you totals for your pay check, considering harvest, operating expenses, and the space instructions. I think everybody should try it!
  • Terribly slanted coding

    I grew up playing this game with my family. Unfortunately this game is missing some of the rules that make it most fun, like that if you own equipment you get rent, and the ability to customize the rules that is in the original instructions. Most frustrating, is that the coding is written so that the computer ALWAYS wins! I’d be equally bored if it was too easy, but really????
  • Wasted potential

    The original board game is a lot of fun, but this version has nothing but bugs and sloppy programming. Bots always roll a 4,5, or 6 when harvesting, meanwhile I roll a 2 and get hit with 15k worth of “fertilizer fees” for the 5th time this year. Human players can hardly land on an OTB, but the computer player has 45 acres of fruit and makes 100k each harvest. No, I don’t want the OTB Rattlesnake ridge because I ALREADY OWN IT. This game had a chance to do the original justice, but they blew it with a bad version of a great game.
  • Bug fixes

    I will update my review when the bugs are fixed. The biggest thing is when I roll a 5 and go to collect my harvest check it'll change it to something less. Once this is fixed I'll update my review. I like this game and enjoy playing, but only when it's fair and works right.

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